In this volume a range of authors from different international contexts argue that the notion of communicative competence in English, hitherto largely referenced to metropolitan native-speaker norms, has to be expanded to take account of diverse contexts of use for a variety of purposes. It also discusses the popular belief that language and literacy should simply be regarded as a technical ‘skill’ which confers universal benefits and that it should be replaced with a social practice view that recognises situated variations and diversity. This volume, we believe, provides a reference point for extended research and practice in these areas that will be of interest to wide range of people engaged in language and literacy education.
Chapter 1 – Constant Leung & Brian Street: Introduction: English in the Curriculum – Norms and Practices
Chapter 2 – Mastin Prinsloo: What Counts as English?
Chapter 3 – Ilana Snyder and Denise Beale: The Rise and Rise of English: The Politics of Bilingual Education in Australia’s Remote Indigenous Schools
Chapter 4 – Bruce Horner & Min Lu: (Re)Writing English: Putting English in Translation
Chapter 5 – Angel Lin: Multilingual and Multimodal Resources in Genre-based Pedagogical Approaches to L2 English Content Classrooms
Chapter 6 – Heather Lotherington & Natalia Sinitskaya Ronda: Multimodal Literacies and Assessment: Uncharted Challenges in the English Classroom
Chapter 7 – Martin Dewey: Beyond Labels and Categories in English Language Teaching: Critical Reflections on Popular Conceptualizations
Brian Street & Constant Leung: Concluding Remarks
Despre autor
Brian V Street is Emeritus Professor of Language in Education at King’s College, London University and Visiting Professor of Education in the Graduate School of Education, University of Pennsylvania. He has a commitment to linking ethnographic-style research on the cultural dimension of language and literacy with contemporary practice in education and in development. Over the past 25 years he has undertaken anthropological field research and been consultant to projects in these fields in countries of both the North and South (e.g. Nepal, S. Africa, India, USA, UK). He has published 18 books and 120 scholarly papers.