Memory, Trauma and World Politics focuses on the effect that the memory of traumatic episodes (especially war and genocide) has on shaping contemporary political identities. Theoretically sophisticated and empirically rich, this book is an incisive treatment of the ways in which the study of social memory can inform global politics analysis.
Introduction: Memory, Trauma and World Politics; D.S.A.Bell We Could Remember it for you Wholesale: Myths, Monuments and the Constitution of National Memories; J.Bartelson Notes on the Memory Boom: War, Remembrance, and the Uses of the Past; J.Winter From Theodicy to Ressentiment : Trauma and the Ages of Compensation; J.K.Olick & C.Demetriou Remembering Relationality: Trauma Time and Politics; J.Edkins Bewitched by the Past: Social Memory, Trauma and International Relations; K.M.Fierke Mourning, Melancholia and Violence; L.Ray Trauma Culture: Remembering and Forgetting in the New South Africa; L.Meskell Memorials to Injustice; S.Feuchtwang Remembering and Forgetting the Korean War: From Trauma to Reconciliation; R.Bleiker & Y.J.Hoang Remembering to Forget/Forgetting to Remember; M.Zehfuss
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JENS BARTELSON Professor of International Relations, University of Copenhagen, Denmark ROLAND BLEIKER Reader in Peace Studies and Political Theory, University of Queensland, Australia CHARES DEMETRIOU Visiting Assistant Professor of Political Science, Ohio University, USA JENNY EDKINS Professor of International Politics, University of Wales, Aberystwyth, UK STEPHAN FEUCHTWANG Professor of Anthropology, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK K. M. FIERKE Professor of International Relations, University of St. Andrews, UK YOUNG-JU HOANG Lecturer in International Politics, Pusan University of Foreign Studies, South Korea LYNN MESKELL Professor of Anthropology, Stanford University, USA JEFFREY K. OLICK Associate Professor of Sociology, University of Virginia, USA LARRY RAY Professor of Sociology, University of Kent, Cantebury, UK JAY WINTER Charles J. Stille Professor of History, Yale University, USA MAJA ZEHFUSS Senior Lecturer in International Politics, University of Warwick, UK