This volume includes contributions originating from a conference held at Chapman University during November 14-19, 2017. It presents original research by experts in signal processing, linear systems, operator theory, complex and hypercomplex analysis and related topics.
Multiplicative Stieltjes functions and associated pairs of reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces.- Quasi boundary triples, self-adjoint extensions, and Robin Laplacians on the half-space.- Graph Laplace and Markov operators on a Measure Space.- Conditionally free probability.- Boundary values of Discrete Monogenic Functions over Bounded Domains in R3.- Semicircular Elements Induced by Projections on Separable Hilbert Spaces.- On a Backward Shifting Problem for [α, ∞)-non-negative Definite Sequences of Complex
q x q matrices.- Evolution of Nodes and their Application to Completely Integrable PDEs.- Frobenius Determinants and Bessel functions.- Algebraic Residue Calculus Beyond the Complex Setting.