Many modern computer systems and most multicore chips (chip multiprocessors) support shared memory in hardware. In a shared memory system, each of the processor cores may read and write to a single shared address space. For a shared memory machine, the memory consistency model defines the architecturally visible behavior of its memory system. Consistency definitions provide rules about loads and stores (or memory reads and writes) and how they act upon memory. As part of supporting a memory consistency model, many machines also provide cache coherence protocols that ensure that multiple cached copies of data are kept up-to-date. The goal of this primer is to provide readers with a basic understanding of consistency and coherence. This understanding includes both the issues that must be solved as well as a variety of solutions. We present both highlevel concepts as well as specific, concrete examples from real-world systems. Table of Contents: Preface / Introduction to Consistency and Coherence / Coherence Basics / Memory Consistency Motivation and Sequential Consistency / Total Store Order and the x86 Memory Model / Relaxed Memory Consistency / Coherence Protocols / Snooping Coherence Protocols / Directory Coherence Protocols / Advanced Topics in Coherence / Author Biographies
Preface.- Introduction to Consistency and Coherence.- Coherence Basics.- Memory Consistency Motivation and Sequential Consistency.- Total Store Order and the x86 Memory Model.- Relaxed Memory Consistency.- Coherence Protocols.- Snooping Coherence Protocols.- Directory Coherence Protocols.- Advanced Topics in Coherence.- Author Biographies.
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Daniel J. Sorin is Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and of Computer Science at Duke University. His research interests are in computer architecture, including dependable architectures, verification-aware processor design, and memory system design. He received a Ph.D. and M.S. in electrical and computer engineering from the University of Wisconsin, and he received a BSE in electrical engineering from Duke University. He is the recipient of an NSF Career Award, and he was a Distinguished Visiting Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering (UK). He is the Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Computer Architecture Letters, and he is a Founder and Chief Architect of Realtime Robotics, Inc. He is the author of a previous Synthesis Lecture, Fault Tolerant Computer Architecture (2009). Daniel J. Sorin is Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and of Computer Science at Duke University. His research interests are in computer architecture, including dependable architectures, verification-aware processor design, and memory system design. He received a Ph.D. and M.S. in electrical and computer engineering from the University of Wisconsin, and he received a BSE in electrical engineering from Duke University. He is the recipient of an NSF Career Award, and he was a Distinguished Visiting Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering (UK). He is the Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Computer Architecture Letters, and he is a Founder and Chief Architect of Realtime Robotics, Inc. He is the author of a previous Synthesis Lecture, Fault Tolerant Computer Architecture (2009). David A. Wood is Professor Emeritus of Computer Sciences at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, where he was the Sheldon B. Lubar Chair in Computer Sciences, the Amarand Balinder Sohi Professor in Computer Science, and held a courtesy appointment in Electrical and Computer Engineering. Dr. Wood has a Ph.D. in Computer Science (1990) from UC Berkeley. Dr. Wood is an ACM Fellow (2006), IEEE Fellow (2004), UW Vilas Associate (2011), UW Romnes Fellow (1999), and NSF PYI (1991). Dr. Wood served as Chair of ACM SIGARCH, Area Editor (Computer Systems) of ACM TOMACS, Associate Editor of ACM TACO, Program Committee Chairman of ASPLOS-X (2002), and served on numerous program committees. Dr. Wood has published over 100 technical papers and is an inventor on 19 U.S. patents. Dr. Wood co-led the Wisconsin Wind Tunnel and Wisconsin Multifacet projects with his long-time collaborator Mark D. Hill.