This book reflects the various dimensions of play. It gathers together experience with role-play, tabletop, and online games and develops and assesses tools. It also reflects the human condition in this world of games as it becomes a digital world. We are living in a World of Games where every game is a world through which we learn about the world. A World of Games is fun and engaging, but it also provides deceptive pleasures. What may seem like fun is far from harmless. And then there are the many ways of learning in the mode of play.
Part I: From Building Blocks to Augmented Reality Glasses – Technologies for Gaming.- The Metaverse: Changing the Landscape of Media Education.- Application of Phygital Games at the University in the Context of Digitalization.- An EON-XR Augmented Reality Application for Motivation Stimulation and Vocabulary Training of Master’s Degree Students Majoring in Civil Engineering.- Game Technologies and High-Fidelity Patient Simulation in the field of Psychology and Medicine.- Video Games in Teaching Audiovisual Translation to University Students.- Development of a Play and Program Mobile Application Based on the Gamification Methodology.- Experience of Non-linguistics Students Creating Online Games on Foreign Language Grammar.- Part II: Games in Various Educational Environments.- Using Game Practices to Identify Teams Capable of Generating Entrepreneurial Ideas.- The Phenomenon of ‘Social Responsibility’ as a Construct of the Humanitarian Educational Ecosystem for the Training of Future Engineers: Perspectives, Forms, Approaches.- The Use of Gamification Elements for the Development of Creativity in Engineering.- Designing Tabletop Games for Individuals with Disabilities through Student Project activity.- Computer Games and Literary Education: Opportunities and Limitations.- A Gamification Conceptual Framework for Marketing Courses.- The Formative Role of ‘Model UN’ in the Development of the Professional Personality of Diplomats.- Unlocking the Power of Gamification: Evaluating the Efficacy of in EFL Vocabulary Acquisition.- Assessment of the Creative Freedom of Students Trained in the Acting Technique ‘Demidov Études’.- The Development of Ethno-Cultural Empathy within a Multicultural Educational Environment: Peculiarities and Role-Playing Experiences.- Moot Court Competition in a Foreign Language : Developing Professional Competencies through a Business Game.- Gaming Technologies in the Formation of Legal Students’ Professional Competencies: Moot Courts.- Technologies for Innovative Potential Development of University Students majoring in Engineering.- Gamification in Teaching Foreign Languages to Economics Students: A Case Study.- Visual Novels as a Means of Business Communication Skills Development for Computer Science Students.- Web Quest as a Means for Students’ Soft Skills Development in Engineering Foreign Language Education.- Problem-Based Role Plays in Teaching English to Students of Humanities.- A Business Game Introduction into Foreign Language Training of Materials Science and Engineering Students.- Gamification in Foreign Language Education: Development of Lexical Skills in Teaching a Second Foreign Language at the University.- Gamified Communication as a Didactic tool for Mastering a Professionally Oriented Video Course in a Foreign Language.- The use of role-playing games to develop the skills of constructive communication of healthcare professionals.- The Use of Games in English Language Lessons as a Means of Communication.