If you call yourself a Christian, then you should have this book, Got Fruit, in your library. Darren Wilson is brilliant in his discourse on spiritual maturity, lovingly challenging us to be all that we were called out to be for the kingdom of God.
Vernel Samuel, Senior Pastor of Hungry 4 God Church
and author of The Jesus Mind
It has been said that while growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional. This line has proven itself to be true, seeing that the current landscape of the world is indicative of the saddening fact that there seems to be a lack of growth and productivity running rampant, negatively affecting every area of life. Unfortunately, this dilemma affects both the secular and sacred areas of life simultaneously, and while it is evident that growth and productivity are essential parts of life, very few seem to realize this, and even fewer seem to live it.
In Got Fruit, Darren clearly indicates that growth is an indication that maturity is occurring. When maturity is occurring, productivity is evidenced, and fruit will begin to be manifested in the lives of believers to the ultimate glory of God and His kingdom that we are a part of.
Despre autor
Darren Wilson is an author, speaker, and Bible teacher whose aim is to help bring people to a full awareness of who they are and challenge people to discover their assignment so that they may live life as purposefully as God intended them to in their generation. He has spoken at conferences, commencement ceremonies, schools, community centers, and churches to a wide range of audiences from young to old on various subjects ranging from youth affairs to spiritual affairs. He has earned a bachelor’s degree from Florida Institute of Technology, and he also is the founder and president of Visionary Leadership Ministries International based in Saint Martin, which is a ministry dedicated to inspiring, empowering, and transforming lives. Darren and his wife, Charmaine, speak together as a team and live in Saint Martin, where they both are from.