Barry Howson is the Academic Dean of Heritage College and Seminary, and teaches in the areas of theology and church history. He is the author of the book Erroneous and Schismatical Opinions: The Question of Orthodoxy Regarding the Theology of Hanserd Knollys (c.1599–1691) (2001).
2 Ebooks de Dennis C. Bustin
Dennis C. Bustin & Barry H. Howson: Zealous for the Lord
Hanserd Knollys (1609-91) was a godly pastor/leader and prolific writer among the early Calvinistic Baptists of the seventeenth century. His life and ministry demonstrated a heart for the gospel of J …
Dennis C. Bustin: Champions of Choice and Change
Champions of Choice and Change examines the role of seventeenth-century English dissenting religious groups and the rise of democratic ideals in western society. Many people assume that the French ph …