In a series of studies specially written for this volume, Studying Speaking to Inform Second Language Learning offers the applied linguist research on spoken interaction in second and foreign languages and provides insights as to how findings from each of these studies may inform language pedagogy. The volume offers an interweaving of discourse perspectives: speech acts, speech events, interactional analysis, pragmatics, and conversational analysis.
Part I: Theoretical Issues
1 Diana Boxer: Studying Speaking to Inform Second Language Learning: A Conceptual Overview
2 Dan Douglas: Discourse Domains: The Cognitive Context of Speaking
Part II: Studying Spontaneous Spoken Discourse to Inform Second Language Learning
3 Anne Lazaraton: Conversation Analysis and the Nonnative English Speaking ESL Teacher: A Case Study
4 Joan Kelly Hall: “Practicing Speaking” in Spanish: Lessons from a High School Foreign Language Classroom
5 Heidi Hamilton: Repair of Teenagers’ Spoken German in a Summer Immersion Program
6 Helena Halmari: Codeswitching Patterns and Developing Discourse Competence in L2
Part III: Studying Elicited Spoken Discourse to Inform Second Language Learning
7 Carrie Taylor-Hamilton: Giving Directions as a Speech Behavior: A Cross-cultural Comparison of L1 and L2 Strategies
8 Koji Konishi and Elaine Tarone: English Constructions Used in Compensatory Strategies: Baseline Data for Communicative EFL Instruction
9 Kathleen Bardovi-Harlig and Tom Salsbury: The Organization of Turns in the Disagreements of L2 Learners: A Longitudinal Perspective
10 Leslie M. Beebe and Hansun Zhang Waring: The Linguistic Encoding of Pragmatic Tone: Adverbials as Words that Work
Part IV: Studying Spoken Discourse to Inform Second Language Assessment
11 Annie Brown: Discourse Analysis and the Oral Interview: Competence or Performance?
12 Carsten Roever: Difficulty and Practicality in Tests of Interlanguage Pragmatics
13 Andrew D. Cohen: Assessing Speech Acts in a Second Language
Despre autor
Andrew D. Cohen is Professor Emeritus from the University of Minnesota. He is currently living in Oakland, VA. He was a Peace Corps Volunteer in rural community development with the Aymara Indians on the High Plains of Bolivia (1965-67). Cohen taught in the ESL Section, UCLA (1972-1975), in Language Education at the Hebrew University (1975-1991), as a Fulbright Lecturer/Researcher at the PUC, São Paulo, Brazil (1986-87), and as professor of L2 Studies, University of Minnesota (1991-2013). During his Minnesota years, he was a Visiting Scholar, University of Hawaii (1996-7) and Tel Aviv University (1997), and a Visiting Lecturer, Auckland University, New Zealand (2004-5). He co-edited Language Learning Strategies with Ernesto Macaro (Oxford University Press, 2007), co-authored Teaching and Learning Pragmatics with Noriko Ishihara (Routledge, 2014, with translations into Japanese, Korean, and Arabic), authored Strategies in Learning and Using a Second Language (Routledge, 2011), and most recently published The Learning of Pragmatics from Native and Nonnative Language Teachers (Multilingual Matters, 2018). He has also published many book chapters and journal articles. Copies of most of his papers are available for download on his website: