Lee Harvey Oswald, the accused assassin of President John F. Kennedy, has remained an enigma for several decades. Fortunately, Lee Harvey Oswald was one of those people who wrote a lot. As a result, the public can see the workings of his mind as his writings are displayed in chronological order throughout his life. They are accompanied by historical events and psychological commentary.
The activities of Jack Ruby, who killed Oswald, are tracked and give insight regarding his murderous act. A psychological and political analysis of Oswald is included, as well as an explanation of most of Oswald’s entries in his address book.
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The author, Diane Holloway, Ph.D., a retired Dallas psychologist, has painstakingly gathered the works of Lee H. Oswald over a period of ten years. She was involved with the psychological assessment of one of Oswald’s targets, Major General Edwin Walker, when Attorney General Robert Kennedy ordered an evaluation because of Walker’s bizarre anti-government activities.
She has provided insight about Oswald’s frame of mind by using his words, his activities, and historical events which undoubtedly influenced him. She has also clarified events regarding Oswald’s murder which had puzzled researchers for years.
Holloway, author of Before You Say I Quit, published in 1990 by Macmillan, lectures about the Kennedy assassination at Elderhostels, community groups and universities. Her closeness to events, Parkland Hospital personnel in Dallas where she worked at the time of the assassination, and Dallas Police Department Personnel, where she was later Drug Czar of Dallas, make her insights valuable.