Dr. Patricia Palenzuela is currently a project researcher in the Solar Desalination Unit at the Plataforma Solar de Almería-CIEMAT, the largest concentrating solar technology research, development and test center in Europe. She is a ph D from the University of Almería, having developed all the research activity of her thesis at the Plataforma Solar de Almería. She has also conducted research at the Qatar Environmental and Energy Research Institute and the Solar Energy Research Center-Chile (SERC-Chile) as a postdoctoral fellow
Dr. Guillermo Zaragoza is currently senior researcher at the Solar Desalination Unit of CIEMAT-Plataforma Solar de Almería, and coordinator of the Action Group on “Renewable Energy Desalination” of the European Innovation Partnership on Water of the European Commission.
Dr. Diego-César Alarcón-Padilla is the current head of the Solar Desalination Unit at CIEMAT-Plataforma Solar de Almería. He also holds the position of Operating Agent of Solar PACES Task VI (Solar Energy and Water Processes and Applications) and the coordination of the Sub-Programme IV (Concentrated Solar Power and Desalination, CSP+D) within the framework of the EERA (European Energy Research Alliance) CSP Joint Programme.
1 Ebooks de Diego-César Alarcón-Padilla
Patricia Palenzuela & Diego-César Alarcón-Padilla: Concentrating Solar Power and Desalination Plants
This book provides a detailed examination of how two key concerns in many communities across the globe- power and water- can be simultaneously addressed through the coupling of Concentrating Solar Po …