In Danger is different from other books of its sort. What sets this book apart is its unique approach. In addition to written content, each chapter will provide readers with exclusive access to short videos on my You Tube channel, allowing them to witness real-life situations on the road which I will reference throughout the book. The videos will demonstrate my vast experience behind the wheel to help people avoid getting into car accidents, or having road rage. Also, it has many useful tips on how to safely be aware of other drivers, pedestrians, cyclists on the road, and much more.
- Chapter 1 Getting a Driver’s License
- Chapter 2 Develop Your Skill Set
- Chapter 3 Different Types of Drivers
- Chapter 4 Sharing the Roads with Others
- Chapter 5 Building Driving Habits
- Chapter 6 Driving in Different Areas
- Chapter 7 Driving in Bad Weather Conditions
- Chapter 8 Important Tips about Keeping Your Vehicle Well-Maintained
- Chapter 9 Mastering Your Skills
- Chapter 10 Repetition Is the Mother of Skill
- Author’s Note
- Check Out Dimitri’s Other Bestsellers
- About the Author
Despre autor
Dimitry Salchev was born and raised in Plovdiv, Bulgaria. He immigrated to the US in 2014. In 2018, he was diagnosed with endocarditis. He was urged to have complicated surgery and had to fight for his life. He had four surgeries in two years. Twice, he had to relearn how to walk. Before his last surgery, he became a hundred percent paralyzed. He lost the ability to talk, see, and move any of his muscles. The doctors thought they were losing him. Nevertheless, Dimitry woke up after two weeks of induced coma. It took him some time to heal after his last surgery. In 2020 he met a beautiful girl. They decided to get married in 2021. Three months after the wedding, his marriage turned into a nightmare. The following year, he tried to work on his marriage with the hope that it would be fine. His situation got worse, and he had to move out of his wife’s apartment. He had nowhere to go andwas forced to live in his car somewhere in the Chicago area. However, that didn’t discourage him. When he came to the US, the author could barely say a word in English, but in 2022, he wrote two books in the same year. During that time, he never quit his job. In 2023, the author had published two more books, and in the meantime, he was diagnosed with a severe health problem for which he had to undergo surgery to survive. Regardless of what happens to him, Dimitry would not stop writing books. God bless America.