This book presents a collection of selected and peer reviewed papers of 10th International Conference on Coastal and Ocean Engineering, which is held during April 14-16, 2023. The conference is co-organized by Taishan University, Shandong, China, technically supported by China University of Petroleum and Concordia University, which aims to bring together innovative academics and industrial experts in the field of coastal and ocean engineering to a common forum. The papers are contributed by various authors from all sectors of academia and industries, exploring cutting-edge solutions and best practices for coastal and ocean engineering. Various topics are discussed in the book, including Coastal infrastructure developments, Hydrodynamics of off shore structures, Marine ecology and environments, Oil spill and environmental hazards, Estuary coastal engineering, Marine energy engineering, underwater engineering, Offshore oil development technology and equipment, the ocean activities platform, etc. The book will serve as a useful reference for post-graduate students, academicians, industry developer and policy makers.
Coastal Geotechnical Engineering.- Coastal infrastructure developments.- Wave Loads on Structures.- Offshore wind turbine and offshore renewable resources.- Hydrodynamics of offshore structures.
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Prof. Jeng Dong-Sheng obtained his B.Eng. and M. Eng. in civil engineering from National Chung-Hsing University (Taiwan, China) and Ph D in coastal engineering from The University of Western Australia (Australia). He has been worked in numerous universities, University of Western Australia, Griffith University, University of Sydney, University of Dundee (UK) in his academic career. Currently, he is professor at School of Engineering & Built Environment, Griffith University Gold Coast Campus (Australia) and chair professor at School of Civil Engineering, Qingdao University of Technology (China). His research is on the porous flow modelling, coastal geotechnical engineering, groundwater hydrodynamics, solute transport in porous media, offshore wind energy, offshore fish farming and Application of Artificial neural Network in Civil Engineering. He is editor-in-chief of Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Editor for Engineering Application of Artificial Intelligence, and Journal of Marine Science and Engineering; Associate Editor of numerous journals, Applied Ocean Research and Journal of Waterway, Ports, Coastal and Ocean Engineering (ASCE), editor brad member for numerous journals including Ocean Engineering, Coastal Engineering, Advances in Water Resources.
Prof. Decheng Wan is director of Computational Marine Hydrodynamics Lab at Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU), chair professor of Chang Jiang Scholar, distinguished professor of Shanghai Eastern Scholar, Shanghai excellent academic leader. Prof. Wan is Chair of ISOPE International Hydrodynamic Committee, Member of Advisor Committee (AC) of International Towing Tank Conference (ITTC). His research interest is mainly on computational marine and coastal hydrodynamics, numerical marine basin, nonlinear wave theory, wave loads on structures, numerical analysis of riser vortex-induced vibration (VIV) and platform vortex-induced motion (VIM), fluid-structure interaction, offshore wind turbine and other offshore renewable resources, etc. His remarkable work of development of numerical solvers in ship and ocean engineering have been recognized by the world-wide researchers in the field of marine hydrodynamics.
Prof. Wan was selected as TOP 2% scientists from all over the world since 2020. He is awarded the most cited researchers every year since 2018 by Elsevier, received CH Kim Award in 2020, ISOPE Award in 2020, Best paper of Moan-Faltinsen Award in 2020, etc. Prof. Wan has developed more than 40 in-house CFD solvers on marine hydrodynamics, risers VIV, floating offshore wind turbine, VIM of offshore platforms, ship optimization, violent flows, fluid-structure interaction. He firstly implemented overset grid technique in Open FOAM and developed the marine hydrodynamic solver naoe-FOAM-SJTU. The solver was successfully applied in the CFD simulations of ship hull-propeller-rudder interaction and it had the capability of direct simulating free running ship with rotating propellers and turning rudders. He also extended the capability of the solver in simulating ship maneuvering in waves and the solver was validated through many benchmark cases. Other developed solvers also have been applied in the numerical predictions in multi-phaseflows, fluid-structure interaction, violent free surface flows, ship breaking bow waves, as well as high performance computation on complex ship and ocean engineering flows, etc.