The ultimate resource for Canadian residential landlords.
Anyone can become a landlord, but not everyone will be a
profitable landlord. Distilling over 35 years of his
first-hand experience, Doug Gray, one of Canada’s most
respected real estate authors and experts, guides readers on how to
become a successful landlord.
Following the effective and proven formula of his previous
bestsellers, The Canadian Landlord Guide fills the void of
information on Canadian landlording. Some of the covered topics
* Principles and formulas for profitable landlording
* Understanding how the real estate market works
* The pitfalls of real estate investing and how to avoid
* Types of rental formats
* Where to get information on prospective properties
* How to finance real estate investments
* The legal aspects of buying and renting property
* Tenant selection
* Property maintenance
Filled with easy-to-understand and credible advice, The
Canadian Landlord Guide is a must-have resource for all
Canadian landlords. Seasoned professionals and aspiring beginners
alike will find Doug Gray’s landlording guide to be one of
their key tools in their quest for real estate success.
Doug Gray, B.A., LL.B. (Vancouver, BC) has been buying,
renovating, and renting real estate for 35 years. In addition to
being a successful real estate entrepreneur, Doug has written over
28 bestselling real estate, business, and personal finance titles,
including Making Money in Real Estate (978-0-470-83620-0)
and The Canadian Snowbird Guide (978-0-470-15375-8).
Despre autor
Douglas Gray, B.A., LL.B. (Vancouver, Canada), formerly a practicing real estate and business lawyer, has extensive personal and professional experience in all aspects of real estate, and has been a landlord for over 30 years. He is the author of 26 best-selling real estate, business and personal nance books, including Making Money in Real Estate (978-0-470-83620-0) and The Canadian Snowbird Guide (978-0-470-15375-8). As well, Douglas is a consultant, columnist and speaker. His website offers comprehensive information on real estate, finance and related topics.
Peter Mitham (Vancouver, Canada) is a prolific freelance journalist whose work has appeared in more than 70 publications worldwide, including Canadian Business, Canadian Real Estate Magazine, Country Life, The Globe and Mail and The Next American City. Since 2002 Peter has contributed a weekly column of real estate news to Business in Vancouver, and he is a regular writer for Western Investor, a monthly paper serving real estate investors across western Canada. He is also co-author with Douglas Gray of Real Estate Investing For Canadians For Dummies (978-0-470-83418-3).