This book outlines the use of the casemix system as a provider payment tool in the health system with special focus on cost of pharmacy services of in-patient care. Casemix system, which is traditionally called Diagnosis Related Groups or DRG in more advanced economies, is now being implemented in many developing countries that plan to or have embarked on social health insurance programs as a source of the health funding. Extensive research has been carried out by the authors involving 13, 673 patients that were prescribed with 111, 794 items of drugs and admitted to one of the premier teaching hospital in Malaysia. Data from this research was vigorously analysed to impute the pharmacy service weights of all relevant casemix groups. This book provides the best reference for pharmacy service weights that can be used as a guide for effective implementation of the casemix system in any country in the world that plans to use the system.
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Dr Syed Mohamed Aljunid is the Founding Professor and Chair of Department of Health Policy and Management, Faculty of Public Health, Kuwait University. Prior to this he served as Professor of Health Economics and Public Health Medicine and Founder of the International Centre for Casemix and Clinical Coding of National University of Malaysia and Founding Senior Research Fellow/Professor of United Nations University-International Institute for Global Health.
Dr Saad Ahmed Ali Jadoo is a Public Health Medicine Specialist and obtained his Ph D with Distinctions from National University of Malaysia and United Nations University-International Institute for Global Health.