Gather it from memory.
Let it touch the earth.
In Touch the Earth, Drew Jackson continues the project he began in God Speaks Through Wombs, reflecting on the Gospel of Luke through poetry. Touch the Earth picks up in chapter nine and continues through the end of Luke's Gospel. Part protest poetry, part biblical commentary, Jackson presents the gospel story in all its liberative power. Here the gospel is the ‘fresh words / that speak of / things impossible.’
From the feeding of the multitude (‘The best hosts always provide / take home containers’) to the resurrection of Jesus (‘the belly of mother Earth / is, indeed, a womb . . . the humus of life is where we become fully human’), this collection helps us hear the hum of deliverance—against all hope—that's been in the gospel all along.
Foreword by Pádraig Ó Tuama
Part I: Journey
I. Students
Touch the Earth
Take Nothing
Shake the Dust
In Their Garden
House of Hunting, House of the Hunter
Silence Disrupted
We Feed Each Other
Streets Is Talking
Crazy Talk
Sōtēr, Pt. II
Inner Circle
The Tragedy of the Disinherited
Human Hands
And What of Greatness?
With or Against
Like Flint
A Rebuke
The Call in Three Movements
II. Neighbors
Squad Up
A Harvest of Dreamers
Romulus and Remus
Instructions for the Freedom Struggle
Power to the People
To Live and to Live On
Apokalypsis (Tell Me)
Touch Yo' Neighbor
Nobody Talks About the Road
For Those Who Choose to Sit
III. Prayer
A Certain Place
Curious Observation
Pray Then Like This
Imagine, or, Suppose
Thoughts on Asking, Seeking, and Knocking
Ode to Pop
This Haunted House
The Sign of Jonah
Washing Dishes
Weightier Matters
When the Truth Insults Me
IV. Hypocrisy
Eyes on the Sparrow
Ode to the Savings Account
Pigeon Economics
Four Boys
When the Rain Comes
V. Tyrants
There Are Pontius Pilates in Every Age
Survivor's Guilt
To Become a Flower
Which Lives?
Don't Despise Small Beginnings
Ask Them Why
A Lament for the Prophets We've Killed
VI. Dinner Guest
Thanksgiving Etiquette
Lex Et Ordo
Saint Coltrane
With Strings Attached
I Am a Conflict-Free Zone
We All Eat
These Bags
Salty Ghazal
VII. Found
For the Ones Called Lost
This Side of the Pasture
To Be Still Is to Be Found
There is a Great Joy That Waits
Give Me My Share
Distant Country
When I Came to Myself
Where the Road and Sky Shake Hands
Like a Slave
VIII. Economics
Rich Man
Situation Ethics
Interrogating Mammon
For the Love
Dog Spells God Backwards
When the Prophets Come
IX. Kingdom Come
Stumbling Blocks
Be on Guard
If Another Disciple Sins
Pine-Sol and Gospel Music
Every Living Thing Was Once a Seed
Gold Star
For I Am Like Jonah
Kindness Travels
Roses for God
The Faces of the Blessed
The Kingdom of Trees
Ordinary Days
Remember Lot's Wife
X. Mercy
The Virtue of Annoyance
When Hatred Goes to Church
Facing Heaven
Blocking Blessing
Even Infants
What Must I Do?
Mortally Impossible
What Do You Want Me to Do for You?
XI. Reparation
Wee Little Man
Tree Climbing
I Think It Was Brunch
No Repentance Without Repair
The Waiting Game
Part II: Jerusalem
XII. Triumph
Beast of Burden
Singing Rocks
The Last Frontier
Flipping Tables
XIII. Questions
Haiku: Unanswered
Beautiful Rejection
Give to Caesar
In the Age to Come
For the Sake of Appearance
XIV. Warnings
Butterscotch Hard Candy
Building Campaign
Before It All Ends
When the Powers of Heaven Shake
Sometimes Death Comes
N.Y. State of Mind
XV. Passion
30 Pieces
Upper Room
This Is My Body
This Cup
Towel and Basin
The Kingdom Is Ours
Two Swords
A Stone's Throw
Kiss of Death
Like a King
Death Row Trial #1
XVI. Death
Death Row Trial #2
Death Row Trial #3
Death Row Trial #4
Via Crucis: Sweet Blackness
Via Crucis: Daughters of Jerusalem
Via Crucis: Two Others
Forgive Them, Father
The Ninth Hour
XVII. Resurrection
Under the Ground
Paranormal Activity
Fish Fry
Despre autor
Drew Jackson is the founding pastor of Hope East Village in New York City. He is also the author of the poetry collection God Speaks Through Wombs. He and his wife have twin daughters and live in Lower Manhattan.