CHOOSING WELLNESS is an honest, powerful testament of understanding for the legions of Americans who struggle to lose weight, shed stress, relieve anxiety, overcome addiction, manage their chronic illness, or just get unstuck from their unhealthy lifestyles. Written with light humor, deep sincerity, and stark vulnerability, it blends scientific expertise with a wide lens that embraces traditional healthcare, complementary-and-alternative medicine, and the metaphysical wisdom gleaned from personal experience and decades of patient success.
CHOOSING WELLNESS not only touches on the typical self-help topics of obesity, addiction, and visualization, it offers unique insights on seldom-addressed topics along with pragmatic, real-life solutions such as: How to shut down our inner critic. How to safely confront and neutralize bullies, even in the workplace. How to cherish loved ones in the throes of alcohol or drug addiction while protecting ourselves from their emotional vampirism. How to cope with muddled, complicated grief. Even how-and why-to become comfortable disappointing other people.
Through personal and client stories, CHOOSING WELLNESS also delivers explicit, pragmatic self-assessments and techniques to: uncover false beliefs (Root Pulling vs. Weed Whacking), edit personal relationships (the Suburban Driveway), handle burnout (Repotting), stay true to our self-image (Wolf Feeding), raise teenagers (Connection Before Correction), control our own emotional output (The 10-Second Pause), recognize people dangerous to our wellbeing (Emotional Triage), and calm or even prevent other people’s emotion outbursts (Feelings over Facts).
1 Choosing Wellness 1
2 The Metal Soup Ladle And Emotional Regulation 8
3 When Help Isn’t Helpful 12
4 From Cigarettes To Running Shoes 19
5 Watch For Thorns 23
6 Create Romance Standards 30
7 Feed The Right Wolf 34
8 Stop The Bullies 43
9 How To Shut Down Our Inner Critic 49
10 When People Let You Down 55
11 Worry Is Self-Inflicted Suffering 61
12 My Swan Dive 67
13 Three Generations Of Destruction 74
14 Meditation 80
15 Dark Teachers 87
16 Emotional Vampires 93
17 The Re-Pot 107
18 Never Meet Feelings With Facts 111
19 Choose Wisdom 116
20 Parenting Teens 121
21 Grief, Guilt, And Growth 129
22 The Wisdom Of Cells 136
23 From Victim To Empowered 144
24 Self-Author The Future 154
25 Pulling Roots Vs Weed-Whacking 161
26 Consider Maslow 172
27 Stuck In Old Patterns 180
28 Polarity Problems 186
29 Control What We Can 190