Gain confidence, lower stress, and raise your TEx ES exam scores!
Testing for certification can be a stressful experience. State exams are rigorous and cover numerous domains and competencies. Test scores can impact both special education certification and teacher preparation programs. You may find there is simply too much material to study, or that test-prep books hammer you with too many random questions.
Understanding what will be on the test and why is a key to success. With artful prose, TEx ES test prep veteran Elaine Wilmore breaks down the EC-12 and Supplemental special education test so you can feel calm and confident on test day. Built on her successful test-prep training seminars, she navigates each special education domain and competency and covers
• Philosophies behind the test questions
• Teaching stories that improve answer recall
• Tips for analyzing test questions
• Ways to use key words and concepts to improve test results
• Hints for managing time while testing
• Tips for before, during, and after the exam
• Techniques for in-state and out-of-state test takers
With its empowering approach, this book shows you how to think like the test was developed and improve your test results.
‘Dr. Elaine Wilmore has, once again, created the must-have educator preparation resource—this time for special education instructors. Packed with real-world examples, sparkling wit, and expert subject knowledge, Passing the Special Education TEx ES Exam is the gold standard resource for Texas educators.’
—Richard W. Kincaid, Director, Career and Technical Education
Round Rock ISD, Round Rock, TX
‘This is much more than a test preparation manual… Teachers will refer to it long after they have become certified.’
—La Vonda Loney, Assistant Principal
Killeen ISD, Killeen, TX
Section I: Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions
Chapter 1. Welcome!
An Overview of the Texas Learner – Centered Domains and Competencies
Idealistic Teaching: A Skill or An Art?
Getting Started
The ‘Guess My Favorite’ Feature
Section II: Domains and Competencies for the EC-12 and Supplemental Special Education TEx ES Exam
Domain I: Understanding Individuals With Disabilities and Evaluating Their Needs
Chapter 2. Understanding and Applying Knowledge and Characteristics of Students with Disabilities
Domain I: Understanding Individuals with Disabilities and Evaluating Their Needs
Domain Key Concepts: Student Characteristics, Assessment, and Evaluation
Competency: 001
The Special Education Teacher Knows How to…
Guess My Favorites
Important Points to Remember
Chapter 3. Formal and Informal Assessment and Evaluation for Instructional Decision Making
Domain I: Understanding Individuals with Disabilities and Evaluating Their Needs
Domain Key Concepts: Student Characteristics, Assessment, and Evaluation
Competency: 002
The Special Education Teacher Knows How to…
Guess My Favorites
Important Points to Remember
Domain II: Promoting Student Learning and Development
Chapter 4. Understanding and Applying Knowledge of Procedures for Planning Instruction
Domain II: Promoting Student Learning and Development
Domain Key Concepts: Instructional Strategies, Student Achievement & Behavior, Transition Issues
Competency: 003
The Special Education Teacher Knows How to…
Guess My Favorites
Important Points to Remember
Chapter 5. Understanding and Applying Knowledge and Procedures for Teaching with Assistive Technology Competency
Domain II: Promoting Student Learning and Development
Domain Key Concepts: Instructional Strategies, Student Achievement & Behavior, Transition Issues
Competency: 004
The Special Education Teacher Knows How to…
Guess My Favorites
Important Points to Remember
Chapter 6. Promoting Educational Performance in All Content Areas, Settings, and Situation
Domain II: Promoting Student Learning and Development
Domain Key Concepts: Instructional Strategies, Student Achievement & Behavior, Transition Issues
Competency: 005
The Special Education Teacher Knows How to…
Guess My Favorites
Important Points to Remember
Chapter 7. Understanding and Applying Issues and Procedures for Teaching Appropriate Behavioral and Social Skills
Domain II: Promoting Student Learning and Development
Domain Key Concepts: Instructional Strategies, Student Achievement & Behavior, Transition Issues
Competency: 006
The Special Education Teacher Knows How to…
Guess My Favorites
Important Points to Remember
Chapter 8. Understanding and Applying Knowledge of Transition Issues and Procedures
Domain II: Promoting Student Learning and Development
Domain Key Concepts: Instructional Strategies, Student Achievement & Behavior, Transition Issues
Competency: 007
The Special Education Teacher Knows How to…
Guess My Favorites
Important Points to Remember
Domain III: Promoting Student Achievement in English Language Arts and Reading and in Mathematics
Chapter 9. Promoting Student Performance in English Language Arts and Reading
Domain III: Promoting Student Achievement in English Language Arts and Reading and in Mathematics
Domain Key Concepts: English, Language Arts, and Mathematics
Competency: 008
The Special Education Teacher Knows How to…
Guess My Favorites
Important Points to Remember
Chapter 10. Promoting Student Performance in Mathematics
Domain III: Promoting Student Achievement in English Language Arts and Reading and in Mathematics
Domain Key Concepts: English, Language Arts, and Mathematics
Competency: 009
The Special Education Teacher Knows How to…
Guess My Favorites
Important Points to Remember
Domain IV: Foundations and Professional Roles and Responsibilities
Chapter 11. Understanding the Philosophical, Historical, and Legal Foundations of Special Education
Domain IV: Foundations and Professional Roles and Responsibilities
Domain Key Concepts: Communication, Collaboration, Ethical and Legal Issues
Competency: 010
The Special Education Teacher Knows How to…
Guess My Favorites
Important Points to Remember
Chapter 12. Professional Roles and Responsibilities
Domain IV: Foundations and Professional Roles and Responsibilities
Domain Key Concepts: Communication, Collaboration, Ethical and Legal Issues
Competency: 010
The Special Education Teacher Knows How to…
Guess My Favorites
Important Points to Remember
Chapter 13. Communication and Collaboration
Domain IV: Foundations and Professional Roles and Responsibilities
Domain Key Concepts: Communication, Collaboration, Ethical and Legal Issues
Competency: 012
The Special Education Teacher Knows How to…
Guess My Favorites
Important Points to Remember
Section III: Comparison and Contrasts of Domain and Competencies for the EC – 12 Special Education TEx ES Exam and the Supplemental Special Education TEx ES Exam
Chapter 14. Comparison of Competencies between the EC – 12 and the Supplemental Special Education TEx ES Exams
Section IV: The Real Deal: Practical Application
Chapter 15. Test Taking Strategies
Watch Your “Sherry’s!”
The Dot Game: Psychological and Time Management
The Dog and Star Game: Making Good Choices
‘Multiple – Multiples:” Follow the Process!
Chapter 16. Creating a Personal Success Plan
Tips for Repeat Test Takers
Tips for ‘Out of State’ Test Takers
How to Prepare From Now till Test Taking Week
How to Prepare The Week of the Test
What to Do, and Not Do, the Night Before the Test
What to Do, and Not Do, the Morning of the Test
Living Your Life After the Test
Chapter 17. Forever and Ever, Amen
Bringing it All Together
Some Last Reminders
Ace This Test!
Chapter 18. Suggested Additional Reading
Domain I: Understanding Students With Disabilities and Evaluating Their Needs
Domain II: Promoting Student Learning and Development
Domain III: Promoting Student Achievement in English, Language Arts, and Mathematics
Domain IV: Foundations and Professional Roles and Responsibilities
Appendix A: Texas Administrative Code
Code of Ethics and Standard Practices for Texas Educators
Appendix B: Council for Exceptional Children
Code of Ethics
Appendix C: Council for Exceptional Children
Professional Standards and Practice Throughout the Career
Despre autor
Learn more about Elaine Wilmore′s PD offerings Dr. Elaine Wilmore was a public school teacher, counselor, elementary, and middle school principal before she moved to higher education. She has extensive background in everything from Early Childhood Education to creating and leading doctoral programs. She currently serves as a Doctoral Dissertation Adviser for Nova Southeastern University. She
also founded and is President of Elaine L. Wilmore Leadership Initiatives, which
focuses on improving campus and district leadership to increase student
performance. Elaine
formerly served as a Professor, the Chair of Educational Leadership, Counseling, and Foundations and as the founding Doctoral Director at the University of Texas of the Permian Basin. She also served at Dallas Baptist University as Assistant Vice President for Educational Networking and Program Director for the M.Ed. and, again, the implementing director of the Doctor of Education degree in Educational Leadership. Prior to her position at Dallas Baptist University, Dr. Wilmore served as Special Assistant to the Dean for NCATE Accreditation, Chair and Associate Professor of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies at the University of Texas at Arlington (UTA), and was the founder of all initial Educational Leadership graduate programs at UTA including the innovative field-based and grant funded Educational Leadership UTA, which received national acclaim, and the Scholars of Practice program. While at UTA she also served as Director of University Program Development where she developed and was the original Chair of the Faculty Governance Committee for the College of Education. Dr. Wilmore’s respect amongst those in higher education has led her to serve as a tenure reviewer in four states and a manuscript and proposal reviewer for many conferences and professional journals. ‘I attended your workshop at College Station this past summer. I am happy to announce that I passed my certification exam the first time around! I am so excited and look forward to the future and what doors may open. Thank you for your strategies and your book!’ – Elodia Witterstaetter, TX