Prof. Bernhard Strauss, Dipl.-Psych., psychological psychotherapist, is Director of the Institute of Psychosocial Medicine and Psychotherapy at Jena University Hospital, where he represents the disciplines of medical psychology, medical sociology, psychosomatic medicine and psychotherapy.
Prof. Henning Schauenburg is a medical doctor working in neurology and psychiatry, as well as psychosomatic medicine and psychotherapy, is also a psychoanalyst (German Association for Psychoanalysis, Psychotherapy, Psychosomatics and Depth Psychology, DGPT). He is Deputy Medical Director of the Department of General Internal Medicine and Psychosomatics at the University of Heidelberg.
8 Ebooks de Elisabeth Waller
Bernhard Strauß & Henning Schauenburg: Bindung in Psychologie und Medizin
The numerous findings on the development of attachment that have been published in the field of developmental psychology over many decades, along with the attachment theory developed by John Bowlby, …
Bernhard Strauß & Henning Schauenburg: Bindung in Psychologie und Medizin
The numerous findings on the development of attachment that have been published in the field of developmental psychology over many decades, along with the attachment theory developed by John Bowlby, …
Carl Eduard Scheidt & Gabriele Lucius-Hoene: Narrative Bewältigung von Trauma und Verlust
Von der Seele reden Traumatisierende Erfahrungen und Verluste lösen einen tiefen seelischen Schmerz aus. Im therapeutischen Rahmen werden die Betroffenen darin unterstützt, von dem traumatisch Erfahr …
Rody Politt & Joy Pollock: Day-to-Day Dyslexia in the Classroom
Dyslexia cuts across class, age and intelligence. All schools will have pupils with dyslexia and teachers of children of all ages need to be aware of the teaching methods and approaches which are mos …
Joy Pollock & Elisabeth Waller: English Grammar and Teaching Strategies
English Grammar and Teaching Strategies aims to demystify grammar and equip any teacher to teach it in the classroom. Carefully set out for ease of reference, this book covers every aspect of grammar …
Joy Pollock & Elisabeth Waller: English Grammar and Teaching Strategies
English Grammar and Teaching Strategies aims to demystify grammar and equip any teacher to teach it in the classroom. Carefully set out for ease of reference, this book covers every aspect of grammar …
Rody Politt & Joy Pollock: Day-to-Day Dyslexia in the Classroom
Dyslexia cuts across class, age and intelligence. All schools will have pupils with dyslexia and teachers of children of all ages need to be aware of the teaching methods and approaches which are mos …
Rody Politt & Joy Pollock: Day-to-Day Dyslexia in the Classroom
Dyslexia cuts across class, age and intelligence. All schools will have pupils with dyslexia and teachers of children of all ages need to be aware of the teaching methods and approaches which are mos …