Onco-mice and cloned sheep, drones and auto-automobiles, neuro-enhancement and prosthetic therapy: Is transhumanism a ‘movement that epitomizes the most daring, courageous, imaginative, and idealistic aspirations of humanity’ (Ronald Bailey 2004), or rather ‘the world’s most dangerous idea’ (Francis Fukuyama 2009)? This volume attempts to elucidate what we understand by the term ‘transhumanism’, what topics and problems we face, what media are suitable for classroom use, what lesson scenarios seem effective, what benefits we may reap, and what challenges we have to cope with when we teach transhumanism in English language classes.
Engelbert Thaler
A. Theory
Engelbert Thaler
Transhumanism in Language Teaching
Roman Bartosch
Lessons in Relatability. Posthumanism and Literacy Learning
Klaus Bredl
Transhumanism – More Than Human?
B. Methodology
Werner Delanoy
Quo Vadis Humankind?. Transhumanism, Posthumanism and Language Education
Peter Hohwiller
John Lanchester’s The Wall in the Advanced Language Classroom
Arthur Haberlach
‘Forever Young! I Want to Be Forever Young!’. Teaching Yuval Noah Harari’s Homo Deus
Nicolina Pullmann
Gender Identities in the Age of Transhumanism. Developing Intercultural Communicative Competence Among Advanced Learners in Game of Thrones
Stephanie Fuchs
Please, Download Your Identity Here. Transhumanism and the Concept of Identity as Promising Topics for EFL Classrooms
C. Lessons
Ben Maré Dutschmann
The Concept of Transhumanism
Katharina Stark
Transhumanism in Films
Lorenz Körner
Transhumanism and Religion
Ben Maré Dutschmann
Human Enhancement
Despre autor
Prof. Dr. Engelbert Thaler ist Inhaber des Lehrstuhls für Didaktik des Englischen an der Universität Augsburg. Seine über 650 wissenschaftlichen Publikationen befassen sich mit Verbesserung der Unterrichtsqualität, Lehrer:innenausbildung, Medien- und Literaturdidaktik, interkulturellem Lernen, Entwicklung von Lehrwerken.