Jefferey Sellers is Professor of Political Science and Public Policy at the University of Southern California, USA. The author of Governing from Below: Urban Regions and the Global Economy (2005), he is the co-founder and co-director of the International Metropolitan Observatory (IMO), the largest international network for the study of metropolitan regions and their politics, of which this book is the third collective publication.
Marta Arretche is Professor of Political Science and Director of the Centre for Metropolitan Studies at the University of São Paulo, Brazil. She is also the editor of the Brazilian Political Science Review.
Daniel Kübler is Professor of Political Science and Director of the Center for Democracy Studies at the University of Zurich, Switzerland. He is co-director of the International Metropolitan Observatory.
Eran Razin is Professor of Geography, the Leon Safdie Chair in Urban Studies, Director of the Institute of Urban and Regional Studies and Head of Floersheimer Studies, at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.
6 Ebooks de Eran Razin
Jefferey M. Sellers & Marta Arretche: Inequality and Governance in the Metropolis
This book undertakes the first systematic, multi-country investigation into how regimes of place equality, consisting of multilevel policies, institutions and governance at multiple scales, influence …
Eran Razin & Martin Dijst: Employment Deconcentration in European Metropolitan Areas
European metropolitan areas have experienced a marked reorganization associated with the processes of globalization and the European integration of economic act- ities on various spatial scales. Much …
Hubert Heinelt & Eran Razin: Metropolitan Governance
Metropolregionen gelten als Motoren ökonomischen Wachstums. Ihre politisch-administrativen Strukturen berücksichtigen die enge Verflechtung der Ballungsräume zumeist jedoch nicht. So kommt es, dass d …
Yehuda Gradus & Shaul Krakover: Industrial Geography of Israel
Israel’s industrial geography is unique. The continuing Arab-Israeli conflict has been a primary force behind government intervention in settlement patterns, and has led to a major effort to disperse …
Yehuda Gradus & Shaul Krakover: The Industrial Geography of Israel
Israel”s industrial geography is unique. The continuing Arab-Israeli conflict has been a primary force behind government intervention in settlement patterns, and has led to a major effort to dispers …
Yehuda Gradus & Shaul Krakover: The Industrial Geography of Israel
Israel”s industrial geography is unique. The continuing Arab-Israeli conflict has been a primary force behind government intervention in settlement patterns, and has led to a major effort to dispers …