Handbook of Bioethical Decisions Volume II addresses and analyzes the most important ethical concerns and moral quandaries related to scientific integrity and institutional ethics. It counts on two parts, Part One: Research Ethics, which addresses issues related to Scientific Integrity, Research Misconduct and Conducting Ethical Research, and Part Two: Institutional Ethics and Bioethics Committees, which explores Institutional Ethics issues, Ethics and Bioethics Committees’ roles and scopes, and Bioethical Issues in Institutional Ethics. Consequently, the Handbook, Vol. II, offers a remarkable collection of works by outstanding international experts on institutional and research ethics, in order for bioethics practitioners to obtain better elements to address key issues related to integrity in research as well as to decision-making processes. In this fashion, this volume is a valuable resource for professionals working on different bioethical and biomedical fields, such as, ethics and bioethics committees, health care institutions, biomedical and pharmacological companies, and academic settings, among others.
Chapter 26 is available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License via
Foreword: On Handbooks.- Introduction.-
Scientific Integrity and Institutional Ethics: Challenges and Perspectives.-
Part I - Research Ethics.-
Section One - Scientific Integrity and Research Misconduct.- Chap 1: Data Alteration.- Chap 2: Research Misconduct and Questionable Research Practices.- Chap 3: Ethics of Authorship.- Chap 4: Dissemination of Research Results.- Chap 5: Conflicts of Interest in Research.- Chap 6: A Priori Publication Agreements to Improve Adherence to Ethics in Research Publications.-
Section Two - Conducting Ethical Research .- Chap 7: Freedom of Scientific Research and Primacy of Human Being: Practical and Epistemological Tensions.- Chap 8: Exploitation in Biomedical Research.- Chap 9: Selection of Research Subjects: Methodological and Ethical Issues.- Chap 10: Confidentiality and Privacy in Digital Clinical Trials.- Chap 11: Dematerialization and Intellectual Property in the Biosciences.-
Part II - Institutional Ethics and Bioethics Committees .-
Section One - Institutional Ethics .- Chap 12: Historical Development of Institutional Ethics and Bioethics.- Chap 13: Principles of Institutional Ethics.- Chap 14: Institutional Review Boards (IRB): US Perspectives.- Chap 15: Decision Making within Institutions.- Chap 16: Scientific Advances, Ethical Oversight and Legal Institutionality.-
Section Two - Ethics and Bioethics Committees .- Chap 17: Members and Structure of Institutional Bioethics Committees.- Chap 18: Foundations of Bioethical Decision-Making in Bioethics and Biolaw.- Chap 19: Just Doing Bioethics’: Policy, Principle, and Process.- Chap 20: Ethics Education and Institutional Ethics Committees.- Chap 21: Role of Ethics Committees in Emergency Use of Unproven Interventions Outside Research.- Chap 22: The Ethics of Resource Allocation in Pandemics: A Bayesian Model.-
Section Three - Bioethical Issues in Institutional Ethics .- Chap 23: Scientific Knowledge and Social Responsibility.- Chap 24: Conscientious Objection.- Chap 25: Institutional Liability in Research.- Chap 26: Research Assessments Should Recognize Responsible Research Practices. Narrative Review of a Lively Debate and Promising Developments.- Chap 27: Coercion in Mental Health Treatment.
Despre autor
Erick Valdés, Ph.D., is Professor of Bioethics and Biolaw, and Senior Research Scholar at the Institute of Science and Innovation in Medicine (ICIM), Universidad del Desarrollo (UDD), Santiago, Chile. He has served as Adjunct Research Professor of Bioethics at Georgetown University, USA; Adjunct Professor of Bioethics at American University, USA, and George Mason University, USA; Associate Professor of International Human Rights at the Washington Center for Internships and Academic Seminars, USA; and as Visiting Professor at Princeton University, USA. He is President and Founding Member of the International Network of Biolaw. His most recent books are Biolaw, Economics and Sustainable Governance. Addressing the Challenges of a Post-Pandemic World (Routledge, 2022), together with Jacob Dahl Rendtorff; Biolaw: Origins, Doctrine and Juridical Applications on the Biosciences (Springer, 2021); and Bioderecho. Epistemologías y aplicaciones en tiempos de pandemia y riesgo existencial (Tirant lo Blanch, 2021). He also published, together with Juan Alberto Lecaros, Biolaw and Policy in the Twenty-First Century. Building Answers for New Questions (Springer, 2019).
Juan Alberto Lecaros, Ph.D., is Associate Professor and Senior Research Scholar at the Institute of Science and Innovation in Medicine (ICIM), and Director of the Observatory of Bioethics and Law, Universidad del Desarrollo (UDD) Santiago, Chile. He has served as Visiting Professor at Ramón Llull University, Spain, and at University of the Basque Country, Spain. He is Founding Member of the International Network of Biolaw. He is the author of the forthcoming book Filosofía medioambiental: Principios y valores para una ciudadanía ecológica (Comillas, 2023). In 2019, he published, together with Erick Valdés, Biolaw and Policy in the Twenty-First Century. Building Answers for New Questions (Springer), and Ética animal: Fundamentos empíricos, teóricos y dimensión práctica(Comillas), with Bernardo Aguilera and Erick Valdés. He also published Bioética: el pluralismo de la fundamentación (Comillas, 2016), with other two editors.