Autor: Erol Guler

Dr. Sanjay Kumar Shukla is the Founding Editor-in-Chief of International Journal of Geosynthetics and Ground Engineering. He is an Associate Professor and Program Leader of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the School of Engineering, Edith Cowan University, Perth, Australia. He holds adjunct/distinguished professorship in civil engineering at three Indian universities, namely, VIT University, Chitakara University and Amrita University. He is an internationally recognized expert in the field of Civil (Geotechnical) Engineering, and has over twenty years of teaching, research and consultancy experience. His research interests include geosynthetics and their applications, fibre-reinforced soils, ground improvement, soil-structure interaction, soil dynamics, rock engineering, pavement engineering, and mining and environmental geotechnics. He is the author of popular ICE textbooks titled ‘Core Principles of Soil Mechanics’ and ‘Core Concepts of Geotechnical Engineering’, and hasauthored/co-authored/edited other 7 books and 12 book chapters. He is also the author/co-author of more than 170 research papers and technical articles, including over 100 refereed journal publications. He is a fellow of Engineers Australia, Institution of Engineers (India) and Indian Geotechnical Society, and a member of American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), International Geosynthetics Society, Indian Roads Congress and some other professional organisations. He is a Senior Editor of Cogent Engineering, a Scientific Editor of Journal of Mountain Science, and a Topical Editor of Mechanical Sciences. He serves on the editorial boards of International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, Ground Improvement, Geotechnical Research, Indian Geotechnical Journal, Journal of Geotechnical and Transportation Engineering, and Advances in Civil Engineering.  Dr. Erol Guler is a full professor of geotechnical engineering at Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkeysince 1989. He acted as the Director of Environmental Sciences Institute of Bogazici University between 1996 and 1999 and as the Chairman of the Civil Engineering Department between 2004 and 2010. He was a visiting Fulbright Professor at the University of Maryland between 1989 and 1991. Prof. Guler is the leading geosynthetic scientist in Turkey, having been an IGS Member since 1989. He founded the IGS Turkish Chapter in 2001 and served as its president until 2005, and was reelected as President again in 2011. He was the organizer for the first two national geosynthetic conferences in 2004 and 2006 and is currently the chairman of the 7th congress which will be held in 2017. He was also of the Chairman of the 2016 European Regional Conference of IGS, Euro Geo6. Prof. Guler has been a member of the International Standards Organization (ISO) Technical committee on geosynthetics as a representative of the Turkish Standards Institute since 2002. He is currently the Convener of the WG2 of ISO/TC221 (Technical Committee on geosynthetics) and is also the Convener of the WG2 of CEN-TC189 (European Committee for Standardization’s Technical Committee on geosynthetics). Prof. Guler is currently an international member of the USA TRB Committee on Geosynthetics. Prof. Guler’s research has focused mainly on geosynthetic reinforced walls and specifically he conducted research on the use of marginal soils in such structures and their behavior under earthquake loading conditions. His research work includes numerical studies as well as shaking table tests and full scale tests. Prof. Guler has over one hundred scientific publications. In addition to his research work, Prof. Guler has extensive practical experience, including design work for numerous projects where geosynthetics were used as reinforcement or liners.

3 Ebooks de Erol Guler

Mohamed Meguid & Erol Guler: Advances in Geosynthetics Engineering
This volume contains contributions on advances in geosynthetics engineering. Soil reinforcement is a very useful technique to construct several cost-effective soil structures in an environmentally fr …
Sanjay Kumar Shukla & Erol Guler: Advances in Reinforced Soil Structures
Soil reinforcement is a very useful technique to construct several cost-effective soil structures in an environmentally friendly and sustainable manner. The most commonly used reinforcement materials …
Fumio Tatsouka & Erol Guler: Innovative Infrastructure Solutions using Geosynthetics
This book contains contributions on advances in geosynthetics engineering. Soil reinforcement is a very useful technique to construct several cost-effective soil structures in an environmentally frie …