3 Ebooks de Ethelwyn Lemon
Ethelwyn Lemon: Stories from Greek History
Long, long ago, more than six hundred years before the time of Christ, the Greek city of Athens had gone to war with Megara to get possession of the island of Salamis. The war had lasted so long that …
Ethelwyn Lemon: Stories from Greek History
Long, long ago, more than six hundred years before the time of Christ, the Greek city of Athens had gone to war with Megara to get possession of the island of Salamis. The war had lasted so long that …
Ethelwyn Lemon: Solon (und noch mehr alte Griechen)
Ethelwyn Lemons kurze Geschichten sind in einfacher Sprache gut erzählt und eignen sich perfekt für junge Leser, deren Interesse an antiker grichischer Geschichte bereits geweckt wurde. Zu den großen …