Autor: Fabiola Riccardini

Fabiola Riccardini is an economist, specialized in International Economy and Quantitative Methods.  She is Chair of Research and Training on Sustainable Wellbeing and Development Association. She is managing research projects on business and sustainable development at ISTAT. She was Co-Chair of Inter-Agency Expert Group- SDGs Indicators of United Nations. She is teaching “sustainability and well-being” at Universities, and is author of many scientific articles and books. She worked at OECD Statistical Directorate on well-being and sustainability measures. She represented Italy in many working groups of European Commission, OECD and United Nations.  She was Co-Chair of Information Economy WG at OECD and was Head at ISTAT for the new surveys on ICT of Enterprises and e-Commerce and Information Society statistics, and surveys on Business and Households Services, contributing to the first OECD Manual on Information Society Statistics. Previously she was Chair of the Evaluation Committee of European Training for European Official Statisticians.  Silvia Biffignandi is acting as a research consultant in economic statistics; is retired full professor Economic Statistics at Bergamo University. She participated and presented her papers in many international conferences, she published in many journals, including the JOS,   the Statistical Journal of the IAOS. She has published several books, also by outstanding international editors.  She has leaded as a coordinator/unit responsible many national and international projects (Eurostat, Ministry of Research, others). She has a record of international past and ongoing collaborations with leading statistical bodies (Eurostat, Istat, other NCIs); collaboration with several university experts both in Europe and oversee are ongoing on innovative research. Main research interests are on Official statistics and socio-economic analyses, topics like sustainability measurement and analysis, administrative data, sources integration, sampling, surveys  methodology and panels construction  (especially web).  Samuel Ashong is an independent researcher with an interest in statistical methods, data science, and sustainable development. He currently has a master’s degree in Economics and Data Analysis (European Master in Official Statistics) from the University of Bergamo, Italy and following a PHD  programme at the same University. He holds a bachelor of science degree in Statistics from KUNST, Ghana. He has work experience with the Businesses, Well-being and Sustainable Development Studies Unit at ISTAT, Italy, and he also worked as an environmental, health and safety officer at a cement production company in Ghana. He is currently involved in research projects on sustainable practices of businesses.

1 Ebooks de Fabiola Riccardini

Fabiola Riccardini & Silvia Biffignandi: Sustainable Practices in Italian Businesses
This Springer Brief describes the development and use of a synthetic indicator to assess different degrees of sustainability adoption by economic sector and businesses size. To make this analysis a t …