Autor: Francesco Carli

Liane S. Feldman Mc Gill University Health Centre Division of General Surgery Montreal, Quebec Canada Conor P. Delaney, MD MCh Ph D FRCSI FACS FASCRS University Hospitals Case Medical Center Case Western Reserve University Division of Colorectal Surgery Cleveland, OHUSA Olle Ljungqvist, MD, Ph D Orebro University Hospital Department of Surgery Örebro Sweden Francesco Carli, MD MPhil, FRCA Department of Anesthesia Mc Gill University Health Centre Montreal, Quebec Canada

1 Ebooks de Francesco Carli

Liane S. Feldman & Conor P. Delaney: The SAGES / ERAS® Society Manual of Enhanced Recovery Programs for Gastrointestinal Surgery
This volume presents a comprehensive, up to date and practical approach to creating an ERAS program for GI surgery. The first sections review the evidence underlying individual elements of ERAS, incl …