Autor: Francesco Proto

John Shannon Hendrix is Professor of Art and Architectural History at Cummings School of Architecture, Roger Williams University, United States. He is the author and editor of numerous articles and books including Architecture and the Unconscious (2016, with Lorens Eyan Holm) and Architecture and Psychoanalysis (2006). Francesco Proto is Senior Lecturer in Architecture at Oxford Brookes University, UK. He is the author of numerous articles and books including Baudrillard for Architects (2019).  

4 Ebooks de Francesco Proto

Francesco Proto: Se Eva non avesse mangiato la mela
Una fantastica notte, nella quale contrariamente alle mie abitudini, una dolce ipersonnia ha preso possesso di me, lasciandomi al risveglio un lucidissimo sogno ben impresso in ogni particolare, nel …
Francesco Proto: Baudrillard for Architects
Marginalized due to the deployment of both a highly specialized jargon and a novel stylistic approach meant to upset established norms and conventions, Baudrillard’s thought has suffered from the lac …
Francesco Proto: Baudrillard for Architects
Marginalized due to the deployment of both a highly specialized jargon and a novel stylistic approach meant to upset established norms and conventions, Baudrillard’s thought has suffered from the lac …
John Shannon Hendrix & Francesco Proto: Lacan + Architecture
This book seeks to revise and revive architectural theory through psychoanalysis as well as to apply psychoanalytic theory to architecture. Its authors argue for Lacan’s central importance for a comp …