One consequence of development has been that large numbers of people have been displaced from their land – the editors provide an analysis of such population displacements in Ethiopia in the context of other causes of movement, such as drought and conflict.
Development worldwide has increasingly involved displacement. Ethiopia is no exception; population displacement resulting from development as well as conflict, drought and conservation has been on the increase since the 1960s. Therecent history of conflict in the Horn of Africa has led to large-scale population movements of refugees, returnees, internally displaced groups and demobilized soldiers. The context of drought and food insecurity in the mid-1980s and again in the early 2000s added a further rationale and impetus for organizing state-led resettlement programmes.
This book brings together for the first time studies of the different types of development, conflict and drought induced displacement in Ethiopia, and analyses the conceptual, methodological and experiential similarities, overlaps and differences between these various forms.
ALULA PANKHURST is an independent researcher anda member of the Forum for Social Studies; FRANCOIS PIGUET is a lecturer on the masters course of Advanced Studies in Humanitarian Action at the Geneva University
Published in association with the Centre Francais des Etudes Ethiopiennes (CFEE)
Preface – Michael Cernea
Foreword – Alula Pankhurst and Francois Piguet
Migration, resettlement & displacement in Ethiopia: a historical & spatial overview – Francois Piguet
Migration, resettlement & displacement in Ethiopia: a historical & spatial overview – Alula Pankhurst
Refugees & forced resettlers: towards a unitary study of forced displacement – David Turton
Why do things often go wrong in resettlement projects? –
Social dimensions of development-induced resettlement: the case of the Gilgel Gibe hydro-electric dam – Kassahun Kebede
The effects of development projects on the Karrayu & Afar in the mid-Awash Valley – Ayalew Gebre
The effects of development projects on the Karrayu & Afar in the mid-Awash Valley – Getachew Kassa
The effects of investment on the livelihoods of the Tsamako in the Weyto Valley – Melese Getu
Planning resettlement in Ethiopia: the experience of the Guji Oromo & the Nech Sar National Park – Taddesse Berisso
Urban development & displacement of rural communities around Addis Ababa – Feleke Tadele
Why did resettlement fail? Lessons from Metekel – Gebre Yntiso
Social impact of resettlement in the Beles Valley – Wolde-Selassie Abbute
Revisiting resettlement under two regimes in Ethiopia: the 2000s programme reviewed in the light of the 1980s experience – Alula Pankhurst
In the mouth of the lion: working with the displaced in Addis Ababa – Lewis Aptekar and Behailu Abebe
Returnees’ experiences of resettlement in Humera – Kassahun Berhanu
War, displacement & coping: stories from the Ethio-Eritrean war – Behailu Abebe
From young soldiers to adult civilians: gender challenges in Addis Ababa cooperatives – Yisak Tafere
Conclusion. Displacement, migration & relocation: challenges for policy, research & coexistence – Alula Pankhurst
Conclusion. Displacement, migration & relocation: challenges for policy, research & coexistence – Francois Piguet