Rick Goochs debut nonfi ction book has exposed the illegal wildlife
trade for what it is.total greed, corruption, mismanagement and lack
of education at all levels of global society, at the expense of making
animals that we supposedly adore and love potentially extinct!
The trade is the third largest criminal money maker after Drugs and Arms
traffi cking, making it a multi-billion yearly industry. It highlights big business,
government corruption and inept enforcement, involved in the illegal operations
in Africa and Asia.
The book records factual information that digs deep into the ongoing slaughter
where many animals are killed for their ivory, some for their meat and skins,
and other parts that end up in Asian medication myths. It focuses on the
captive trade where there are more tigers living in the USA than there is in the
wild worldwide.
It also gives possible solutions to many issues that need to be confronted
so that the targeted animals can be given a sporting chance of survival.
Despre autor
The author came to the United States from England, and spent time in California before making his home in the Seattle area.
He has traveled extensively including Western Europe, the Middle East and North Africa.
All through his life he has always had an affinity for animals. Caring for them, being a dog and cat owner and an overriding concern about the way animals are treated in the world.
Over the past two and a half years, he has embarked on a lifetime ambition of writing a book on the illegal wildlife trade. His analysis includes ruthless poachers and traders, inept and corrupt lawmakers, politicians and poorly trained law enforcement. It also shows the appalling way exotic animals are treated in captivity in the United States and China.