Psychoanalytic Approaches for Counselors explores Freud’s historical contributions to the theories within this school of thought and demonstrates their practical application in clinical practice today. Using the compelling framework of the common factors approach, the text helps readers consider how both the client′s perspective and the interpersonal forces within a helping relationship can shape positive therapeutic outcomes. The text’s clinical vignettes, case examples, and discussion of significant updates within the field further highlight the relevance of the psychoanalytic approach to counseling.
Psychoanalytic Approaches for Counselors is part of the SAGE
Theories for
Counselors Series that includes
Cognitive Behavioral Approaches for Counselors, by Diane Shea, and
Person-Centered Approaches for Counselors, by Jeffrey H.D. Cornelius-White.
Who Was Sigmund Freud?
The Relevance of Psychoanalysis
Inauguration: To Mark the Beginning of a New Period, Style, or Activity
Starting With the Two Most Important Common Factors: The Client and the Counseling Relationship
Freud Versus Freud: What Did He Actually Do?
Freud’s Goody-goods: The Necessity of Collaboration
Constructing a Counselor-Friendly Freud
The Cause(s) of Mental Illness
Transference and Countertransference
Further Developments
Chapter 1: The Talking Cure
The First Client: Bertha Pappenheim
Intensive, Ongoing Treatment
Catharsis and Hypnotism
The Psychoanalytic Cure
Listening to Pappenheim With Sympathy and Interest
Pappenheim’s Contemporary Importance
Did Breuer Truly “Get” Pappenheim?
Empathic Listening and Interpretation
The Heroic Client
Pappenheim’s Amazing Transformation
Primum Non Nocere—Above All, Do No Harm
“The True Vehicle of Therapeutic Influence”
The Therapeutic Relationship: What’s It Really Like?
Finding the Sweet Spot
Chapter 2: Basic Psychoanalytic Concepts
How the Mind Works: The Structural Model and the Topographical Model
The Topographical View
The Ego in Conflict
How People—and Problems—Develop
Freud’s Mechanisms of Defense
Repression, Revisited
Displacement and Projection
Reaction Formation, Rationalization/Intellectualization, Introjection, Identification, Regression
Don’t Forget: Sex Can Be Fun!
The Therapeutic Aim of Psychoanalysis
Progress, Slow and Steady
Three Choices
The Tools of Psychoanalysis: The Background of Freud’s Technique
The Return of Catharsis
The Return of Rest Cures, Electrotherapy, and Psychopharmacology
You Are Getting Very Sleepy…
No Wait—Your Eyes Aren’t Closing—They are Moving!
Say Everything
No Sex With Clients
To What Degree Must We Abstain?
Recommendations, Not Rules
Thoughts and Feelings
The Tools of Psychoanalysis: Interventions to Accomplish Its Aim
First, Ally With the Ego
Transference, Pros and Cons
Free Association
Dream Analysis
Slips of the Tongue, Jokes, and Habitual Actions
Rounding Out the Picture: King Oedipus, Sex/Love and Aggression/Death, the Nature of Trauma, and Other Freudian Controversies
Could This Story Tell Us Anything About Freud?
Sex, Sex, and Sex
Sex and Violence
Was Freud Sexualized at an Early Age?
Sexual Trauma
Chapter 3: The Evolution of Psychoanalysis
Freud’s Drive Theory
Object Relations and Interpersonal Psychoanalysis
Neuroscience and Psychoanalysis
The Development of the Emotional Self
An Illustration: Daddy Day Care
Counseling as a Corrective Affective (and Cognitive) Experience
Chapter 4: Multiculturalism
“My Parents Were Jews, and I Have Remained a Jew Myself”
Social Class: Is Psychoanalysis Just For Rich People?
Practical Matters First: Money
A Theoretical Concern: Who Has Time for Insight?
Theoretical Concern Number Two: Who Has the Necessary Ego Strength?
The Relational Response
Recent Scholarship: The Free Clinics
Psychoanalysis as Failed Feminism
Are Men and Women Really Different?
Empirical Research to the Rescue
Ethics of Rights, Ethics of Care, and Difference Feminism
Psychological Adjustment and Societal Change
Chapter 5: A Case Illustration of Contemporary Psychoanalytic Counseling
Session One: Getting to Know Jennie
Sessions Two to Four: The Growth of the Counseling Relationship
Sessions Five and Six: The Usual Detours
Session Seven: The Big Dream
Session Eight: How Should I Respond?
Session Nine: The Time is Right
Session Ten (and Beyond): On the Journey, Together
Chapter 6: Conclusion
The Unconscious, Version 2.0
A More Useful Freud
The Client Is the Most Important Person in the Room
Future Considerations
Despre autor
Fred Redekop earned his doctorate from the University of Iowa in 1997. His clinical experience includes providing in-home family counseling and psychotherapy, providing outpatient counseling and psychotherapy in hospital and community mental health settings, directing residential mental health treatment, and serving as the director of an outpatient clinic. He has facilitated groups addressing domestic violence, borderline personality disorder, anger management for adolescent males, and social skills groups for elementary schoolchildren. He is a Licensed Professional Counselor and a Nationally Certified Counselor. He has taught in the Counseling Department at Kutztown University of Pennsylvania since 2008. In addition to authoring Psychoanalytic Approaches for Counselors and serving as editor for the Theories for Counselors series, he has presented at national conferences and is the author of peer-reviewed journal articles, invited journal articles and book chapters, and articles in print and online magazines aimed at professionals and the general public.