This book in reader’s hand is a culmination of decades of effort, study and spiritual service of a Yogī called Guru Gabriel Pradīpaka, the author. His immense knowledge about the Yoga of Self-realization furnished with his mastery of Sanskrit language is a real gift for spiritual seekers of our modern times. Apart from this fact, it is also a rare opportunity to read a serious treatise on what spirituality really is, in the sense of an actual recognition of the evident, yet hidden, truth open to humankind.
Being his disciple and translator for years, my experience with his special way of teaching was life-changing. Because of this, with the publication of the present book, an old desire came true for me, as it reveals the two most significant aspects of Guru Gabriel Pradīpaka’s style of teaching. He does not only write in an effective and practical way to trigger real understanding in the reader, but also gives his uniqueness: He translates Sanskrit word by word. Studying Sanskrit literature with his special method has an auspicious fruit for spiritual aspirants who are devoted to reaching those tiny, but crucial details, and also those secrets about Yoga, which simply cannot be transmitted by mere translations.