Das E-Book Nonlinear Structures & Systems, Volume 1 wird angeboten von Springer International Publishing und wurde mit folgenden Begriffen kategorisiert:
Nonlinear Structures;Nonlinear Systems;Structural Engineering;Structural Dynamics;Modal Analysis;Conference Proceedings
Chapter 1. Pre-test Predictions of Next-Level Assembly Using Calibrated Nonlinear Subcomponent Model.- Chapter 2. Nonlinear Variability due to Mode Coupling in a Bolted Benchmark Structure.- Chapter 3. Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of a Shape Changing Finger-like Mechanism for Morphing Wings.- Chapter 4. Evaluation of Joint Modeling Techniques Using Calibration and Fatigue Assessment of a Bolted Structure.- Chapter 5. A Non-Masing Microslip Rough Contact Modeling Framework for Spatially and Cyclically Varying Normal Pressure.- Chapter 6. Finite Elements and Spectral Graphs: Applications to Modal Analysis and Identification.- Chapter 7. Best Paper: Effects of the Geometry of Friction Interfaces on the Nonlinear Dynamics of Jointed Structures.- Chapter 8. Bifurcation Analysis of a Piecewise-Smooth Freeplay System.- Chapter 9. Insights on the Bifurcation Behavior of a Freeplay System with Piecewise and Continuous Representations.- Chapter 10. Model Updating and Uncertainty Quantification of Geometrically Nonlinear Panel subjected to Non-uniform Temperature Fields.- Chapter 11. On Affine Symbolic Regression Trees for the Solution of Functional Problems.- Chapter 12. Comparative Analysis of Mechanical and Magnetic Amplitude Stoppers in an Energy Harvesting Absorber.- Chapter 13. NIXO-Based Identification of the Dominant Terms in a Nonlinear Equation of Motion.- Chapter 14. Nonlinear Dynamics and Characterization of Beam-Based Systems with Contact/Impact Boundaries.- Chapter 15. Experimental Modal Analysis of Geometrically Nonlinear Structures by Using Response-Controlled Stepped-Sine Testing.- Chapter 16. The Application of Generating Series for Nonlinear Systems with Polynomial Stiffness.- Chapter 17. A Hybrid Static and Dynamic Model Updating Technique for Structures Exhibiting Geometric Nonlinearity.- Chapter 18. Insights on the Dynamical Responses of Additively Manufactured Systems.- Chapter 19. Characterization of Nonlinearities in a Structure using Nonlinear Modal Testing Methods.- Chapter 20. Challenges of Characterizing Geometric Nonlinearity of a Double Clamped Thin Beam using Nonlinear Modal Testing Methods.- Chapter 21. Establishing the Exact Relation between Conservative Backbone Curves and Frequency Responses via Energy Balance.- Chapter 22. Joint Interface Contact Area Predictions Using Surface Strain Measurements.- Chapter 23. Towards Compact Structural Bases for Coupled Structural-Thermal Nonlinear Reduced Order Modeling.- Chapter 24. Ensemble of Multi-time Resolution Recurrent Neural Networks for Enhanced Feature Extraction in High-Rate Time Series.- Chapter 25. Modelling the Effect of Pre-Load in a Lap-Joint by Altering Thin Layer Material Properties.
Despre autor
Gaetan Kerschen, University of Liege, Liege, Belgium; Matthew Brake, Rice Universiity, USA; Ludovic Renson, Univeristy of Bristol, UK.