Geoff Walton is Reader in Information and Digital Literacies in the i School at Manchester Metropolitan University. He is currently working on the AHRC funded project ‘Untold Stories: 75th Anniversary of the NHS’. Geoff recently completed three funded projects, two CILIP Information Literacy Group (ILG) funded projects and an ERDF funded project to create an elearning portal for Jeff Gosling Hand-Controls, the leading UK manufacture of adaptive engineering for cars and a User Experience project for the Insights People. His main research interests are information literacy, information behaviour, Technology Enhanced Learning, data literacy and public libraries.
Frances Johnson is Senior Lecturer in the Department of Information & Communications at the Manchester Metropolitan University. She has a Ph D in Computer Science/Natural Language Processing from the University of Manchester and her field of expertise is in search technologies, information seeking behaviour and UX. She is currently associate editor for Data Technologies and Applications, and features editor in the Health Information and Libraries Journal.
Until his retirement in 2021 David Stewart was Head of NHS Knowledge and Library Services North at Health Education England where he was responsible for leading the strategic development, co-ordination and monitoring of all NHS library and knowledge services across the North of England. David”s previous posts include Director of Information Services at the Royal Society of Medicine; Deputy Director of Health Libraries in Oxford Region and District Librarian for Medway Health Authority. David was CILIP President in 2019 and has chaired CILIP’s Health Libraries Group and the NHS Regional Librarians Group. He was the founder of the CHILL network in London and the co-founder of the HEALER network which brought together a wide range of people interested in health libraries research. He was awarded an MBE in the New Year’s Honours in 2021.
Gil Young has worked in the academic, health and public library sectors. She is currently employed as a Knowledge and Library Services Development Manager for NHS England as part of a national team providing strategic leadership and vision to enable all NHS staff and learners to benefit equally from high-quality knowledge and library services. She is a CILIP Fellow and an associate member of the CIPD. Gil is a CILIP Professional Support Officer and was the first winner of the CILIP mentor of the year award. She is co-author of Practical Tips for Developing Your Staff (2016).
Holly Case Wyatt is NHS Liaison and Evidence Services Manager at Imperial College London. She has worked in libraries for 12 years, starting in public libraries specialising in health and wellbeing. In 2013 Holly led the Domestic Abuse, How Surrey Libraries Can Help project, winning CILIPs Libraries Change Lives Award. Since joining the NHS in 2015, she has worked as an Outreach Librarian delivering library services to NHS staff working in the community and as a Knowledge and Library Development Manager at Health Education England providing professional advisory guidance and quality assurance of knowledge services to NHS organisations. She holds a Master’s degree in Library and Information Management and is a Chartered Member of the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP).
7 Ebooks de Geoff Walton
Mark Hepworth & Geoff Walton: Teaching Information Literacy for Inquiry-Based Learning
Teaching Information Literacy for Inquiry-Based Learning is highly beneficial to those who teach or train people and need to develop systematic ways of using information sources and tools to help the …
Alison Pope & Geoff Walton: Information Literacy
This set of conference proceedings derives from the Information Literacy: Recognising the Need conference at Staffordshire University, 17 May 2006. The papers in this book discuss key themes in infor …
Dave Parkes & Geoff Walton: Web 2.0 and Libraries
In a world where computing power, ubiquity and connectivity create powerful new ways to facilitate learning, this book examines how librarians and information professionals can utilize emerging techn …
Alison Pope & Geoff Walton: Information Literacy
Focusing on important information literacy debates, this new book with contributions from many of the main experts in the field highlights important ideas and practical considerations. Information Li …
Mark Hepworth & Geoff Walton: Developing People”s Information Capabilities
Developing People”s Information Capabilities: Fostering Information Literacy in Educational, Workplace and Community Contexts is Vol 8 of the well regarded Library and Information Science Series. Th …
Geoff Walton – Editor & Frances Johnson – Editor: Introduction to Healthcare Knowledge and Library Services
Winner of The Information Resources KM and IM Award 2024 The range of roles in healthcare knowledge and library services are many and varied. From ‘traditional’ librarian roles to those that break ne …
David Stewart – Editor & Frances Johnson – Editor: Introduction to Healthcare Knowledge and Library Services
Winner of The Information Resources KM and IM Award 2024The range of roles in healthcare knowledge and library services are many and varied. From ‘traditional’ librarian roles to those that break new …