All the subject knowledge you need to teach primary science.
If you are training to be a primary school teacher, you need to understand what you need to know about primary science before you can teach it.
To help you build your subject knowledge, this comprehensive text includes subject knowledge from each part of the primary science curriculum and comes with a wide range of resources so you can test you knowledge as you progress through the course.
- an online science subject knowledge audit with the ability to share results
- end of chapter self-assessment questions
- Interactive tasks
- a science subject knowledge checklist
- useful weblinks for primary science teaching
- Recommended further reading
Science in the National Curriculum
Working scientifically
Functioning of organisms: green plants
Functioning of organisms: animals including humans
Evolution and inheritance
Living things and their habitats
Changes of materials
Rocks, soils and fossils
Forces and magnets
Earth and space
Despre autor
Keira Sewell is an independent educational consultant at Visionary Education ( She has over 25 years’ experience of supporting the professional development of both trainee and experienced teachers and specialises in science education.