Since 2009 Hansjörg Drewello is full professor for Economics, first at the University of Applied Sciences Göttingen, since 2010 at the University of Applied Sciences Kehl. He is the German Director of the European Competence and Research Centre of Cluster Management. His research focuses on transport economics as well as on regional economics. From 2001 to 2008 he was managing director of the Chamber of Commerce Karlsruhe.
Bernd Scholl has been a full professor for Spatial Planning and Development at the Institute for Spatial and Landscape Planning at the ETH Zurich. His teaching and research focal points are on land and spatial management in the local and regional development, space and infrastructure development, transnational tasks as well as development and organization of innovative planning processes and methods in spatial planning and regional development. From 1997 to 2006 Bernd Scholl directed the Institute for Urban Development and Regional Planning at the University of Karlsruhe as a full professor for the chair of the same name. During this time, Bernd Scholl acted as a chairman and member of numerous international expert commissions and urban development juries.
5 Ebooks de Hansjorg Drewello
Hansjörg Drewello & Bernd Scholl: Integrated Spatial and Transport Infrastructure Development
The challenge of growth in transport, especially in freight transport, and scarce resources in money, landscape and local opposition against new infrastructure investment require new solutions from t …
Hansjörg Drewello & Marisa Helfer: Clusters as a Driving Power of the European Economy
Dieser Band umfasst ausgewählte Beiträge der European Cluster Days 2015, die im März 2015 im Europäischen Parlament in Straßburg stattgefunden haben. Dort debattierten France Cluster, das nationale N …
Hansjorg Drewello & Frank Kupferschmidt: Markt und Staat
Dieses Buch bietet einen kompakten und inhaltlich fundierten Überblick über die zentralen Grundlagen der Volkswirtschaftslehre. Es eignet sich besonders als begleitende Lektüre für Vorlesungen zur Ei …
Hansjorg Drewello & Frank Kupferschmidt: Markt und Staat
Dieses Buch bietet einen kompakten und inhaltlich fundierten Überblick über die zentralen Grundlagen der Volkswirtschaftslehre. Es eignet sich besonders als begleitende Lektüre für Veranstaltungen zu …
Hansjörg Drewello & Margot Pellegrino: Local Energy Transitions in Europe
This book explores the implementation of the EU climate goals at the local and regional level. It sheds new light on local energy transition from an interdisciplinary perspective that includes spatia …