Autor: Harald Luschgy

Erich Haeusler studied mathematics and physics at the University of Bochum from 1972 to 1978. He received his doctorate in mathematics in 1982 from the University of Munich. Since 1991 he has been Professor of Mathematics at the University of Giessen, where he teaches probability and mathematical statistics. Harald Luschgy studied mathematics, physics and mathematical logic at the Universities of Bonn and Münster. He received his doctorate in mathematics in 1976 from the University of Münster. He held visiting positions at the Universities of Hamburg, Bayreuth, Dortmund, Oldenburg, Passau and Wien and was a recipient of a Heisenberg grant from the DFG. Since 1995 he is Professor of Mathematics at the University of Trier where he teaches probability and mathematical statistics.

4 Ebooks de Harald Luschgy

Erich Häusler & Harald Luschgy: Stable Convergence and Stable Limit Theorems
The authors present a concise but complete exposition of the mathematical theory of stable convergence and give various applications in different areas of probability theory and mathematical statisti …
Harald Luschgy: Martingale in diskreter Zeit
Martingale haben die Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie derart revolutioniert, dass die Suche nach „guten“ Martingalen inzwischen eine Standardmethode zur Untersuchung stochastischer Probleme ist. Das Buch f …
Siegfried Graf & Harald Luschgy: Foundations of Quantization for Probability Distributions
Due to the rapidly increasing need for methods of data compression, quantization has become a flourishing field in signal and image processing and information theory. The same techniques are also use …
Harald Luschgy & Gilles Pagès: Marginal and Functional Quantization of Stochastic Processes
Vector Quantization, a pioneering discretization method based on nearest neighbor search, emerged in the 1950s primarily in signal processing, electrical engineering, and information theory. Later in …