Greta and her young son, Nick, narrowly escape death during the bombing of Dresden in February 1945. Undertaking a daring drive through war-torn Germany, they flee to be reunited with her family in Essen. While Greta’s husband, Kurt, is imprisoned by advancing Russian troops, she is caught off guard by André, a French POW who falls in love with her. Will Kurt find his family the way he left it when he escapes from prison? In Forever Greta, author Harald Lutz Bruckner takes us on an exciting journey that touches on the bitter and the sweet. It is a story of faith, hope, and love rising above the ruins of a defeated country.
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Harald Lutz Bruckner, author of The Blue Sapphire Amulet, Escape on the Astral Express, A Wanderer on the Earth, The Born-Again Phoenix, Harald’s Garland, Lighthouse Mystery, Doretta’s Damnation, A Backward Glance at Eden, and Obsessive Compulsion hails from Germany but has spent his adult life in the United States. His work and educational adventures have taken him from merchandising/retailing, the teaching of German and World Literature, to a career in Audiology and the challenges of working with hard-of-hearing and deaf children and adults. Among his favorite academic subjects to teach were his offerings in sign language. In 1981, he discovered the magic of painting in transparent watercolors and has never stopped painting. Moving to sunny Arizona from the High Country of Colorado in 2003, caused a major shift in his subject matter, changing from a primarily realistic orientation to one of total abstraction. Since his retirement from Academia, Bruckner pursued his passions for travel, art, music, and the enjoyment of writing.