3 Ebooks de Harm Bart
Harm Bart & Israel Gohberg: Factorization of Matrix and Operator Functions: The State Space Method
Thepresentbookdealswithvarioustypesoffactorizationproblemsformatrixand operator functions. The problems appear in di?erent areasof mathematics and its applications. A uni?ed approach to treat them is …
Harm Bart & Thomas Hempfling: Israel Gohberg and Friends
Mathematicians do not work in isolation. They stand in a long and time honored tradition. They write papers and (sometimes) books, they read the publications of fellow workers in the ?eld, and they m …
Harm Bart & Israel Gohberg: A State Space Approach to Canonical Factorization with Applications
The present book deals with canonical factorization problems for di?erent classes of matrix and operator functions. Such problems appear in various areas of ma- ematics and its applications. The func …