Introduction: Climate Variability, Predictability, and Climate Risks: A European Perspective (H. Wanner, M. Grosjean, R. Rothlisberger, E. Xoplaki).- Climate Variability – Observations, Reconstructions, and Model Simulations for the Atlantic-European and Alpine region from 1500-2100 AD (C. C. Raible, C. Casty, J. Luterbacher, A. Pauling, J. Esper, D. C. Frank, U. Buntgen, A. C. Roeschz, P. Tschuck, M. Wild, P.-L. Vidale, C. Schar, H. Wanner).- Challenges posed by and Approaches to the study of Seasonal-to-Decadal Climate Variability (C. Schwierz, C. Appenzeller, H. C. Davies, M. A. Liniger, W. Muller, T. F. Stocker, M. Yoshimori).- Global Warming and the Summertime Evapotranspiration Regime of the Alpine Region (P. Calanca, A. Rosch, K. Jasper, M. Wild).- Climate Risks and their Impact on Agriculture and Forests in Switzerland (J. Fuhrer, M. Beniston, A. Fischlin, Ch. Frei, S. Goyette, K. Jasper, Ch. Pfister).- The Coupling of Optimal Economic Growth and Climate Dynamics (O. Bahn, L. Drouet, N. R. Edwards, A. Haurie, R. Knutti, S. Kypreos, T. F. Stoker, J.-P. Vial).- Modeling Endogenous Learning and Imperfect Competition Effects in Climate Change Economics (L. Viguier, L. Barreto, A. Haurie, S. Kypreos, P. Rafaj).- Economics of Climate Policy and Collective Decision Making (B. Burgenmeier, A. Baranzini, C. Ferrier, C. Germond-Duret, K. Ingold, S. Perret, P. Rafaj, S. Kypreos, A. Wokaun)
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Heinz Wanner is the head of the Climate Research Group and Director of the NCRR Management Center.
Martin Grosjean is
Regine Rothlisberger is a Science Officer with the NCCR Climate Management Center.
Elena Xoplaki is a Science Officer with the NCCR Climate Management Center.