Autor: Hendrik Hegemann

Arjen Boin, Leiden University, Netherlands Vera-Karin Brazova, Charles University, Czech Republic Edward Deverell, Swedish National Defence College, Sweden Han Dorussen, University of Essex, UK Magnus Ekengren, Swedish National Defence College, Sweden Evangelos Fanoulis, University of Essex, UK Michel Herzog, Center for Security Studies (CSS), ETH Zürich, Switzerland Simon Hollis, Swedish National Defence College, UK Emil Kirchner, University of Essex, UK Sanneke Kuipers, Leiden University, Netherlands Piotr Matczak, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland Daniel Petz, independent consultant on disaster risk management and human rights issues Iwona Pinskwar, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland Tim Prior, Center for Security Studies (CSS), Switzerland Mark Rhinard, Stockholm University, Sweden Florian Roth, Center for Security Studies (CSS), ETH Zürich, Switzerland Vi nja Samard ija, Institute for Development and International Relations (IRMO), Croatia

9 Ebooks de Hendrik Hegemann

Raphael Bossong & Hendrik Hegemann: European Civil Security Governance
European states and international organizations have established multiple policies and mechanisms to deal with various risks, crises and disasters. This edited volume examines the emerging multi-leve …
Christopher Daase & Philipp Offermann: Sicherheitskultur
Der Anspruch auf Sicherheit wächst stetig und fordert staatliche Steuerungskompetenzen heraus. Die Folge ist, dass der Staat und internationale Organisationen immer größere Sicherheitsversprechen mac …
Hendrik Hegemann & Regina Heller: Studying ‘Effectiveness’ in International Relations
The question of how effective political tools actually are is among the most hotly debated in contemporary IR theory. There is no unanimity how to even measure the effectiveness and impact different …
Hans-Georg Ehrhart & Hendrik Hegemann: Putting security governance to the test
Recent debates in security policy have highlighted trends towards fragmentation, informalisation and privatisation in the diverse field of security policy, with its increasingly transnational securit …
Hans-Georg Ehrhart & Hendrik Hegemann: Putting security governance to the test
Recent debates in security policy have highlighted trends towards fragmentation, informalisation and privatisation in the diverse field of security policy, with its increasingly transnational securit …
Michael Urban: Ideology and System Change in the USSR and East Europe
These studies cover a range of topics – market reforms, social justice, ecology, nationalism, new political parties and more – that are at the centre of the revolutionary changes under way in the for …
Hendrik Hegemann & Martin Kahl: Terrorismus und Terrorismusbekämpfung
Das Lehrbuch gibt einen differenzierten, übersichtlichen und verständlichen Überblick über Stand und Probleme des Wissens zu Terrorismus und Terrorismusbekämpfung. Terroristische Gewalt steht weiterh …
Hendrik Hegemann: International Counterterrorism Bureaucracies in the United Nations and the European Union
Since the attacks of September 11, 2001 a complex web of international structures and rules for the fight against transnational terrorism has emerged. However, previous research disregarded the organ …
Hendrik Hegemann: International Counterterrorism Bureaucracies in the United Nations and the European Union
Since the attacks of September 11, 2001 a complex web of international structures and rules for the fight against transnational terrorism has emerged. However, previous research disregarded the organ …