Hong Zhou, Researcher and Director at Institute of European Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS); CASS academic committeeman and Deputy Director of Division of International Studies of CASS; Chairwoman of Chinese Association for European Studies. Her main research fields focus on European contemporary history and politics, Welfare State and social security, foreign aid etc. Her main Publications include Decomposing Welfare (1998), Foreign Aid and Modern International Relations (chief editor and co-author, 2002), Foreign Social Welfare Systems (chief editor, 2003), The Course of European Civilization (co-author, 2003), China-EU Partnership: Possibilities and Limits (chief editor, 2004), Whither the Welfare State (2006), Foreign Aid in China (chief editor and co-author, 2007; 2nd edition, 2013), European Union as A Power (chief editor, 2008), EU Governance Model (co-author and co-author, 2008), Chinese View of the World (associate editor, 2009), China-Europe Relations: Perceptions, Policies and Prospects (co-editor, 2008), International Comparison of Social Security Systems Series (chief editor, four volumes, 2011), 60 Years of Chinese Foreign Aid (chief editor, 2013), Changing Images of Europe (co-author, 2013), Notes on Foreign Aid (2015), Toward a Society with Protection for All (2015), etc.
9 Ebooks de Hong Zhou
Hong Zhou: Harvesting Humans
21世纪下页,地球人类科技发展的负面效应开始呈现,同时面临资源衰竭的困境,国家之间各种矛盾加剧,一跨国科技公司因此在邻近星系的一颗行星上开始了人工智能指导生命进化的伟大项目,意图加速改变行星环境以利于移民人类和摄取资源。不幸的是,随后的核战摧毁了地球人类的先进科技和设施,也让幸存人类彻底忘却了曾经的行星生命的创世纪工程。 六百年后,该行星上新出现的人类发现了地球,意欲把地球人类当做动物食品般收割 …
Hong Zhou & Jun Zhang: Foreign Aid in China
Foreign aid has connected China and the international community through many channels, and created new types of strong partnerships throughout the world. As a recipient country, China and donors have …
Hong Zhou: China-EU Relations
This book provides a comprehensive review of relations between China and the EU from the perspectives of politics, economy and culture in order to provide a better understanding of the development of …
Hong Zhou & Hou Xiong: China’s Foreign Aid
This book analyzes the changes in and development of China’s Foreign Aid Policy and Mechanisms over the past 60 years. It offers readers a thorough introduction to China’s Aid to Africa; its Aid to S …
Hong Zhou & Jun Zhang: Towards a Society with Social Protection for All
This book systematically reviews the development of social policy since the establishment of the People’s Republic of China. As such, it begins by investigating the establishment of the Insuranc …
Hong Zhou: Learn Data Mining Through Excel
Use popular data mining techniques in Microsoft Excel to better understand machine learning methods. Software tools and programming language packages take data input and deliver data mining results …
Hong ZHOU & Jiangchao WANG: FE Computation on Accuracy Fabrication of Ship and Offshore Structure Based on Processing Mechanics
This book provides insight on processing mechanics during ship and offshore structure, and researchers, scientists, and engineers in the field of manufacturing process mechanics can benefit from the …
Hong Zhou: Mastering Excel Through Projects
Master Excel in less than two weeks with this unique project-based book! Let’s face it, we all master skills in our own way, but building a soup-to-nuts project is one of the best ways to make learni …
Hong Zhou: Learn Data Mining Through Excel
Use popular data mining techniques in Microsoft Excel to better understand machine learning methods. Most software tools and programming language packages take data input and deliver data mining resu …