Providing the chemical physics field with a forum for critical, authoritative evaluations in every area of the discipline, thelatest volume of Advances in Chemical Physics continues to providesignificant, up-to-date chapters written by internationallyrecognized researchers.
This volume is essentially devoted to helping the reader obtaingeneral information about a wide variety of topics in chemicalphysics. Advances in Chemical Physics, Volume 114 includes chaptersaddressing vibrat...
The Decoupling of Electronic and Nuclear Motions in the Isolated Molecule Schrodinger Hamiltonian (B. Sutcliffe).
Association, Dissociation, and the Acceleration and Suppre...
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ILYA PRIGOGINE is Director of the Instituts Internationaux de Physique et de Chimie, E. Solvay, Brussels, Belgium. Dr. Prigogine is also the Ashbel Smith Professor of P...