Autor: Ido de Haan

Ido de Haan is Professor of Political History at Utrecht University, the Netherlands. He has published on nineteenth-century European political history, on the history and memory of the Holocaust, on Jewish history, and on the history of citizenship, democracy, and the welfare state. He currently studies the history of neoliberalism in the Netherlands. Matthijs Lok is Assistant Professor of Modern European History at the University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands. His publications focus on the politics of memory and forgetting in the Restoration era, on the Counter-Enlightenment, European conservatism and nationalism, on the history of state formation and civil administration, and on the historiography of Europe.

4 Ebooks de Ido de Haan

Ido de Haan & Matthijs Lok: The Politics of Moderation in Modern European History
This book charts the varieties of political moderation in modern European history from the French Revolution to the present day. It explores the attempts to find a middle way between ideological extr …
Natalia Aleksiun & Raphael Utz: Rescue Turn and the Politics of Holocaust Memory
Examining the uses and misuses of memory of aiding Jews during the Holocaust.This volume considers the uses and misuses of the memory of assistance given to Jews during the Holocaust, deliberated in …
Joel Cahen & Judith Frishman: Borders and Boundaries in and around Dutch Jewish History
The widespread and long-held preconception that all Jews lived in ghettos and were relentlessly subject to discrimination prior to the Enlightenment has only slowly eroded. Geographically speaking, J …