Boost grades with quick reference support where students, parents and teachers can easily find answers related to the specific core standards for English Language Arts. This set of expectations and skills need to be mastered to succeed in school, college and the real world. The Quick Study(R) series aligns with those standards being implemented in most states to help guide students through their classes, and to support parents helping their students succeed. Each guide in the series focuses on critical areas of the curriculum and features real-world problems, examples, illustrations, and tables to help students retain information. Topics covered include:Phrases & Clauses Restrictive vs. Nonrestrictive Clauses Types of Sentences Misplaced & Dangling Modifiers Using Commas to Separate Coordinate Adjectives Spelling Making Your Writing Short & to the Point Using Context Clues Greek & Latin Suffixes Using the Dictionary & Thesaurus Word Relationships: Synonyms, Antonyms & Analogies Figures of Speech: Literary Allusions Connotations vs. Denotations