Irena Peeva is a Professor of Mathematics at Cornell University. Her primary work is in Commutative Algebra, and her primary research is focused on Free Resolutions and Hilbert Functions. She is the author of Graded Syzygies (Springer, 2011), coauthor of Minimal Free Resolutions Over Complete Intersections (Springer, 2016), and the editor of Commutative Algebra (Springer, 2013).
5 Ebooks de Irena Peeva
Irena Peeva: Graded Syzygies
The study of free resolutions is a core and beautiful area in Commutative Algebra. The main goal of this book is to inspire the readers and develop their intuition about syzygies and Hilbert function …
Irena Peeva: Commutative Algebra
This contributed volume brings together the highest quality expository papers written by leaders and talented junior mathematicians in the field of Commutative Algebra. Contributions cover a very wid …
Irena Peeva: Syzygies and Hilbert Functions
Hilbert functions and resolutions are both central objects in commutative algebra and fruitful tools in the fields of algebraic geometry, combinatorics, commutative algebra, and computational algebra …
David Eisenbud & Irena Peeva: Minimal Free Resolutions over Complete Intersections
This book introduces a theory of higher matrix factorizations for regular sequences and uses it to describe the minimal free resolutions of high syzygy modules over complete intersections. Such resol …
Irena Peeva: Commutative Algebra
This contributed volume is a follow-up to the 2013 volume of the same title, published in honor of noted Algebraist David Eisenbud’s 65th birthday. It brings together the highest quality expository p …