Autor: Ivan Pavlenko

Prof. Vitalii Ivanov, DSc., Ph.D., ING.PAED.IGIP, Head of the Department of Manufacturing Engineering, Machines and Tools, and Director of the Research and Educational Center for Industrial Engineering at Sumy State University. He was awarded a Scholarship of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for Young Scientists (2011 and 2014), a Fellowship for a Research Internship from the Ministry of Education and Science, Youth and Sports of Ukraine (2011 and 2012), The National Scholarship of the Slovak Republic (2015, 2017, and 2022), JICA Knowledge Co-Creation Fellowship (2016), The Ulam NAWA Programme (2022), and State Prize of the Supreme Council of Ukraine for Young Scientists (2022). Prof. Ivanov carried out research, completed internships, and gave lectures in Germany, the USA, Slovak Republic, Poland, Great Britain, Italy, Japan, the Czech Republic, Romania, China, etc. Furthermore, he participated in research projects funded by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the State Fund for Fundamental Research, and Ukrainian manufacturing companies. He also has experience coordinating and co-coordinating research projects funded by TEMPUS, Erasmus+, Czech Development Agency, DAAD, Gene Haas Foundation & Haas Automation, and Japan International Cooperation Agency. Since 2019, Prof. Vitalii Ivanov has been a Member of the Advisory Board for Research Evaluation at the University of West Bohemia (Czech Republic). Since 2020, he has been a Member of the Experts’ Team of the Invention Support Fund of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine and an Expert of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine on the State Certification of Scientific Institutions. In 2021, Prof. Ivanov became an International Member of the Academic Committee of the Doctoral Program “Innovative Engineering Technologies for Industrial Sustainability – IETIS” at the University of Salerno (Italy). In 2022, he became a Member of the Expert Council of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine on certification of scientific personnel in Manufacturing Engineering. Prof. Ivan Pavlenko, DSc., Ph.D., ING.PAED.IGIP, Professor of the Department of Computational Mechanics named after Volodymyr Martsynkovskyy. Head of the Coordinating Council of Sumy State University and Vice Dean for the Scientific Work of the Faculty of Technical Systems and Energy Efficient Technologies at Sumy State University (Sumy, Ukraine),   Professor Pavlenko is also a member of the International Association of Technological Development and Innovations (Ukraine), the European Alliance for Innovation (Belgium), the International Society of Engineering Pedagogy (Austria), and the European Association for the Advancement of Science and Technology (France). Furthermore, he serves as an Expert of the National Research Foundation of Ukraine, and of the Ministry of Education of Science of Ukraine in aerospace technology and transport. Author of more than 100 articles indexed by the Scopus and Web of Science databases, Editor-in-Chief of the “Journal of Engineering Sciences”, Editorial Board Member of journals “Acta Logistica” and “Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering”, he is also a Steering Committee Member of the international scientific conferences “Design, Simulation, Manufacturing: The Innovation Exchange (DSMIE)” and “Grabchenko’s International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing Processes” (Inter Partner)”, as well as invited reviewer of peer-reviewed scientific journals published by Elsevier, Springer, and MDPI. In 2022, he was included in the TOP 2% of the most cited scientists (Elsevier) in energy, artificial intelligence, and engineering. Also, he was awarded by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. His main research activities are in mechanical, manufacturing, and chemical engineering. Ivan Pavlenko has recent developments in parameter identification of mechanical systems and technological processes, ensuring the vibration reliability of rotary machines and the application of artificial intelligence systems. Dr. Artem Evtuhov, Ph.D., Vice Dean for the Educational and Organizational Work of the Faculty of Technical Systems and Energy Efficient Technologies and Associate Professor of the Department of Manufacturing Engineering, Machines and Tools and at Sumy State University (Sumy, Ukraine). Artem Evtuhov is a member of the International Association for Technological Development and Innovations (Ukraine) and the International Association of Engineers (Hong Kong). He is the author of more than 50 scientific papers, patents, and didactic materials. His research activity deals with the development of manufacturing systems and technological processes. Dr. Justyna Trojanowska, Ph.D. Eng., Doctor of Engineering in the scientific discipline of mechanical engineering, assistant professor at Poznan University of Technology (Poznan, Poland), vice-dean for cooperation with industry at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, and  series editor of the Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering (Springer). Her research activities concern production scheduling, production management, Lean Manufacturing, Theory of Constraints, and Six Sigma. She is also a member of the Polish Association for Production Management, the Polish Economic Society, the International Association for Technological Development and Innovations, and the Product Development and Management Association. Author of numerous publications in the area of mechanical engineering and production engineering, Dr. Trojanowska is participating in numerous international conferences, and acting as a reviewer of scientific articles published in ISI Master Journals. She is also a member of the scientific committees of various international conferences. She is cooperating with foreign research centers, and taking part in projects and scientific works conducted for production companies and aimed at improving production processes. She has also been one of the responsible person for the work package 5  “Training, Research & Development for Industry-oriented problems”, aimed at reinforcing the University-Business cooperation, and organised by EUNICE „European University for Customised Education”.

20 Ebooks de Ivan Pavlenko

Justyna Trojanowska & Olaf Ciszak: Advances in Manufacturing II
This book covers a variety of topics related to the Industry 4.0 concept, with a special emphasis on the efficiency of production processes and innovative solutions for smart factories. It describes …
Vitalii Ivanov & Justyna Trojanowska: Advances in Design, Simulation and Manufacturing II
This book reports on topics at the interface between manufacturing, mechanical and chemical engineering. It gives special emphasis to CAD/CAE systems, information management systems, advanced numeric …
Vitalii Ivanov & Yiming Rong: Advances in Design, Simulation and Manufacturing
This book reports on topics at the interface between manufacturing, mechanical and chemical engineering. It gives a special emphasis to CAD/CAE systems, information management systems, advanced numer …
Volodymyr Tonkonogyi & Vitalii Ivanov: Advanced Manufacturing Processes
This book offers a timely yet comprehensive snapshot of innovative research and developments in the area of manufacturing. It covers a wide range of manufacturing processes, such as cutting, coatings …
Vitalii Ivanov & Ivan Pavlenko: Advances in Design, Simulation and Manufacturing III
This book explores topics at the interface between mechanical and chemical engineering, with a focus on design, simulation, and manufacturing. Covering recent developments in the mechanics of solids …
Vitalii Ivanov & Justyna Trojanowska: Advances in Design, Simulation and Manufacturing III
This book reports on topics at the interface between manufacturing and materials engineering, with a special emphasis on design and simulation issues. Specifically, it covers the development of CAx t …
Volodymyr Tonkonogyi & Vitalii Ivanov: Advanced Manufacturing Processes II
This book offers a timely yet comprehensive snapshot of innovative research and developments at the interface between manufacturing, materials and mechanical engineering, and quality assurance. It co …
Vitalii Ivanov & Justyna Trojanowska: Advances in Design, Simulation and Manufacturing IV
This book reports on topics at the interface between manufacturing and materials engineering, with a special emphasis on product design and advanced manufacturing processes, intelligent solutions for …
Vitalii Ivanov & Ivan Pavlenko: Advances in Design, Simulation and Manufacturing IV
This book reports on topics at the interface between mechanical and chemical engineering, emphasizing design, simulation, and manufacturing. Specifically, it covers recent developments in the mechani …
Volodymyr Tonkonogyi & Vitalii Ivanov: Advanced Manufacturing Processes III
This book offers a timely snapshot of innovative research and developments at the interface between manufacturing, materials and mechanical engineering, and quality assurance. It covers a wide range …
Justyna Trojanowska & Agnieszka Kujawińska: Advances in Manufacturing III
This book reports on cutting-edge research and technology aimed at increasing the efficiency of production processes and to foster the implementation of Industry 4.0 solutions in manufacturing. Gathe …
Vitalii Ivanov & Justyna Trojanowska: Advances in Design, Simulation and Manufacturing V
This book reports on topics at the interface between manufacturing and materials engineering, with a special emphasis on smart and sustainable manufacturing. It describes innovative research in desig …
Vitalii Ivanov & Ivan Pavlenko: Advances in Design, Simulation and Manufacturing V
This book reports on topics at the interface between mechanical and chemical engineering, emphasizing aspects related to design, simulation, and manufacturing. It covers recent findings concerning th …
Volodymyr Tonkonogyi & Vitalii Ivanov: Advanced Manufacturing Processes IV
This book offers a timely snapshot of innovative research and developments at the interface between manufacturing, materials and mechanical engineering, and quality assurance. It covers various manuf …
Vitalii Ivanov & Justyna Trojanowska: Advances in Design, Simulation and Manufacturing VI
This book reports on advances in manufacturing, with a special emphasis on smart manufacturing and  information management systems. It covers sensors, machine vision systems, collaborative …
Vitalii Ivanov & Ivan Pavlenko: Advances in Design, Simulation and Manufacturing VI
This book reports on topics at the interface between mechanical and materials engineering, emphasizing aspects related to design, simulation, and manufacturing. It covers advanced methods in design e …
Volodymyr Tonkonogyi & Vitalii Ivanov: Advanced Manufacturing Processes V
This book offers a timely snapshot of innovative research and developments at the interface between design, manufacturing, materials, mechanical and process engineering, and quality assurance. It cov …
Justyna Trojanowska & Agnieszka Kujawińska: Advances in Manufacturing IV
This book describes cutting-edge research and technologies aimed at increasing the efficiency of production processes and supporting the implementation of Industry 4.0 and Industry 5.0 solutions in p …
Vitalii Ivanov & Justyna Trojanowska: Advances in Design, Simulation and Manufacturing VII
This book reports on advances in manufacturing, with a special emphasis on smart manufacturing and information management systems. It covers sensors, machine vision systems, collaborative technologie …
Vitalii Ivanov & Ivan Pavlenko: Advances in Design, Simulation and Manufacturing VII
This book reports on topics at the interface between mechanical and materials engineering, emphasizing aspects related to design, simulation, and manufacturing. It covers advanced methods in design a …