David E. Swayne is Laboratory Director of the Southeast
Poultry Research Laboratory, Agricultural Research Service, U.S.
Department of Agriculture, in Athens, Georgia, USA.
Associate Editors:
J.R. Glisson is the Director of Research, U.S. Poultry
and Egg Association, Tucker, Georgia, USA.
L.R. Mc Dougald is Professor in the Department of Poultry
Science at the University of Georgia in Athens, Georgia, USA.
L.K. Nolan is Dean at the College of Veterinary
Medicine, Iowa State University in Ames, Iowa, USA.
D.L. Suarez is Research Leader of the Exotic and Emerging
Avian Viral Diseases Research Unit, Southeast Poultry Research
Laboratory, Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of
Agriculture in Athens, Georgia, USA.
V.L. Nair, is a Professor and Head, Avian Viral Diseases
Programme, The Pirbright Institute in Compton, Berkshire, United
1 Ebooks de J. R. Glisson
David E. Swayne & J. R. Glisson: Diseases of Poultry
Diseases of Poultry is the most comprehensive reference for all aspects of poultry health and diseases, including pathogenesis, diagnostics, epidemiology, and control methods. Published in partnershi …