This book is a comprehensive source of information on various
aspects of ceramic matrix composites (CMC). It covers ceramic and
carbon fibers; the fiber-matrix interface; processing, properties
and industrial applications of various CMC systems; architecture,
mechanical behavior at room and elevated temperatures,
environmental effects and protective coatings, foreign object
damage, modeling, life prediction, integration and joining. Each
chapter in the book is written by specialists and internationally
renowned researchers in the field. This book will provide
state-of-the-art information on different aspects of CMCs. The book
will be directed to researchers working in industry, academia, and
national laboratories with interest and professional competence on
CMCs. The book will also be useful to senior year and graduate
students pursuing degrees in ceramic science and engineering,
materials science and engineering, aeronautical, mechanical, and
civil or aerospace engineering.
* Presents recent advances, new approaches and discusses new
issues in the field, such as foreign object damage, life
predictions, multiscale modeling based on probabilistic approaches,
* Caters to the increasing interest in the application of ceramic
matrix composites (CMC) materials in areas as diverse as aerospace,
transport, energy, nuclear, and environment. CMCs are considered
ans enabling technology for advanced aeropropulsion, space
propulsion, space power, aerospace vehicles, space structures, as
well as nuclear and chemical industries.
* Offers detailed descriptions of ceramic and carbon fibers;
fiber-matrix interface; processing, properties and industrial
applications of various CMC systems; architecture, mechanical
behavior at room and elevated temperatures, environmental effects
and protective coatings, foreign object damage, modeling, life
prediction, integration/joining.
PART I. Fibers, Interface and Architecture
1. Reinforcement of Ceramic Matrix Composites: Properties of Si C-Based Filaments and Tows
Jacques Lamon, Rene Pailler, and Stephane Mazerat
2. Carbon Fibers
Herwig Peterlik
3. Influence of Interfaces and Interphases on the Mechanical Behaviour of Fiber Reinforced Ceramic Matrix Composites
Jacques Lamon
4. Textile Reinforcements. Architectures, Mechanical Behaviour and Forming
Philippe Boisse
PART II. Composite Materials
5. Carbon/Carbons and Their Industrial Applications
Hiroshi Hatta, Roland Weiss, and Patrick David
6. C/Si C and C/C-Si C Composites
Bernhard Heidenreich
7. Advances in Si C/Si C Composites for Aero-Propulsion
James A. Di Carlo
8. Oxide/Oxide Composites
Kristin A. Keller, George Jefferson, and Ronald J Kerans
9. Ultra-High Temperature Ceramic-Based Composites
Yutaka Kagawa and Shuqi Guo
PART III. Environmental Effects and Coatings
10. Environmental Effects on Oxide/Oxide Composites
Marina B. Ruggles-Wrenn
11. Stress-Environmental Effects on Fiber Reinforced Si C-Based Composites
Gregory N. Morscher
12. Environmental Effects: Ablation of C/C Materials ? Surface Dynamics and Effective Reactivity
Gerard L. Vignoles, Jean Lachaud, and Yvan Aspa
13. Radiation Effects
Yutai Katoh
14. Foreign Object Damage in Ceramic Matrix Composites
Sung R. Choi
15. Environmental Barrier Coatings (EBCs) for Si Cf/Si C
Kang N. Lee
16. Oxidation Protective Coatings for Ultrahigh Temperature Composites
Qiangang Fu and Yiguang Wang
PART IV. Modeling
17. Damage and Lifetime Modeling for Structure Computations
Pierre Ladeveze, E. Baranger, M. Genet, and C. Cluzel
18. Approach to microstructure-behavior relationships for ceramic matrix composites reinforced by continuous fibers
Jacques Lamon
PART V. Joining
19. Integration and Joining of Ceramic Matrix Composites
Monica Ferraris and Valentina Casalegno
PART VI. Non-Destructive Evaluation
20. Use of Acoustic Emission for Ceramic Matrix Composites
Gregory N. Morscher and Nathalie Godin
PART VII. Applications
21. CMC Applications to Gas Turbines
Patrick Spriet
22. Ceramic Matrix Composites: Nuclear Applications
Cedric Sauder
23. Ceramic Matrix Composites for Friction Applications
Walter Krenkel and Jacques Thebault
Subject Index
Despre autor
Dr. Narottam P. Bansal is a Senior Research Scientist in
the Ceramic and Polymer Composites Branch, Materials and Structures
Division, at NASA Glenn Research Center. Previously, he was a
post-doctoral fellow at the University of Alberta in Edmonton,
Alberta, Canada and research associate at Rensselaer Polytechnic
Institute in Troy, New York. He is the author or editor of six
books, 37 conference proceedings, six invited chapters, and three
review articles. Dr. Bansal has to date published over 230 papers,
including more than 100 peer-reviewed journal papers on glass,
ceramics, and composites and holds seven US patents.
Dr. Jacques Lamon is Director of Research at CNRS
(National Centre of Scientific Research). He recently joined the
Laboratory for Mechanics and Technology (LMT) at Ecole Normale
Supérieure Cachan (Paris, France). Before that he was Group
Leader at LCTS (Laboratory for Thermostructural Composites,
University of Bordeaux/CNRS, France), and Professor at the
University of Bordeaux, France. He earned his Ph D in materials
science and engineering in 1978 from Ecole Nationale
Supérieure des Mines. He is the author of one book, twelve
invited chapters, fourteen conference proceedings, and three
journal special issues. He has written over 200 articles on
ceramics and ceramic matrix composites.