Thomas Merton recognized the value and possibility of contemplative dialogue between monastics and contemplatives of other religious traditions and hoped that, through such dialogue, monastics would strive for ‘inter-monastic communion’ and a bonding of the broader ‘spiritual family.’ He held out hope that this bond would demonstrate the fundamental unity of humanity to a world that was becoming ever more materialistic and divided.
Among other themes and topics, this book explores Thomas Merton’s role as a pioneer of Buddhist-Christian dialogue and monastic interreligious dialogue. It delves into the process of Merton’s self-transformation through contemplative experiences, explores his encounter with Zen and Tibetan Buddhists and his pioneering engagements in Buddhist-Christian dialogue, and presents and responds to the criticisms of those who raise questions about Merton’s understanding of Buddhism.
Fr. Jaechan Anselmo Park, OSB, articulates and analyzes the influences of Buddhist theory and practice on Thomas Merton’s contemplative spirituality and shows how Merton’s legacy has influenced and continues to inspire interreligious and inter-monastic dialogue, particularly in an Asian monastic context.
Foreword vii
Preface xi
Acknowledgments xvii
List of Abbreviations xix
List of Tables xxi
Introduction xxiii
Chapter 1 Merton’s Own Inner Experience and Interreligious Dialogue 1
Chapter 2 Merton’s Pioneering Work with Buddhist-Christian Dialogue 61
Chapter 3 Merton’s Pioneering Work with Inter-Monastic/Contemplative Dialogue 123
Chapter 4 Merton’s Legacy: Beyond His Encounter with Buddhism 181
Conclusion 243
Bibliography 257
Index 275
Despre autor
Bonnie B. Thurston, after years as a university and seminary professor, lives quietly in her home state of West Virginia. She is the author of many books on Scripture and spirituality and eight books of poetry. These include Liturgical Press publications Saint Mary of Egypt: A Modern Verse Life and Interpretation;Shaped by the End You Live For: Thomas Merton’s Monastic Spirituality; Maverick Mark: The Untamed First Gospel; The Spiritual Landscape of Mark;Philippians in the Sacra Pagina series; and Belonging to Borders: A Sojourn in the Celtic Tradition (poetry).