Set in 18th century rural England, the novel follows the two sisters Elinor and Marianne, who face misunderstandings and prejudices after their father's death. Marianne, impulsive and passionate, falls for the unsuitable John Willoughby, while Elinor, composed and reserved, conceals her own heartbreak. Through their parallel experiences, they learn that blending sense with sensibility is essential for finding happiness in a society ruled by status and money.
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Jane Austen (1775–1817) is one of the most important writers of all time and her major works are among the great classics of English literature. Her work often centres on the turmoil of young ladies from the upper rural middle classes who are torn between the expectations of the aristocracy and their own idea of happiness.
Regina Meißner, geb. 1993, entdeckte durch ihre lesebegeisterten Eltern früh die Liebe zur Literatur und zum Schreiben eigener Geschichten. Nach dem Abitur studierte sie Deutsch und Englisch und arbeitet als Produkt- und Social-Media-Managerin in einem Medienunternehmen. Sie liest und schreibt leidenschaftlich gern; ihre Romane erschienen u. a. bei Piper und Knaur.