Jane E. Miller is a Professor at the Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy at Rutgers University, where she is Lead Instructor for the undergraduate Research Methods course and instructor for the undergraduate Honors Research Program. She also teaches graduate courses on data visualization and quantitative research. She was previously Faculty Director of Project L/EARN – an intensive social science research training program for undergraduates from historically under-represented groups. Dr. Miller has written two other books: The Chicago Guide to Writing about Numbers and The Chicago Guide to Writing about Multivariate Analysis (University of Chicago Press) – both in their second editions, and also available in Chinese translation (Xinhua Publishing). She has also authored a series of articles in teaching and research journals on how to communicate about quantitative research. Dr. Miller’s research interests include relationships between poverty, child health, health insurance, and access to health care. She earned her bachelor’s degree in Economics from Williams College and her M.A. and Ph D in Demography from the University of Pennsylvania.
2 Ebooks de Jane E. E. Miller
Jane E. Miller: Making Sense of Numbers
Making Sense of Numbers teaches students the skills they need to be both consumers and producers of quantitative research: able to read about, collect, calculate, and communicate numeric information …
Jane E. Miller: Making Sense of Numbers
Making Sense of Numbers teaches students the skills they need to be both consumers and producers of quantitative research: able to read about, collect, calculate, and communicate numeric information …